The team with the highest flight time was the winner of this game. There were water rockets,
which reached higher and higher where there was a great competition. This showed the
results of the teamwork and creativity.
When talking about the main games, they were all related to the problems that will be
faced by the students in their future carrier. The new trend of today's world is to achieve
the development through eco-friendly innovative ideas. Today environmental pollution has
become a great problem, which should be avoided as soon as possible so that all can live a
healthier life. Though the modern technological innovations do damages to the environment,
they cannot be neglected due to the busy lifestyle of the modern man. However, new ideas
can be created which can reduce pollution, keeping the same purpose. Even a simple idea can
make huge revolutionary innovations. Therefore, these new ideas came from eco solutions
game will be helpful for eco-friendly innovations in the future.
Today one of the main needs in modern society is electricity. Without electricity, nothing
can be done. Therefore, the generation of electricity should be done in mass production
to satisfy the needs of all people. Hydro and wind power are the main sources, which are
used to generate electricity today. Therefore, as engineering students, it is our responsibility
to propose innovative, efficient energy sources for future and this competition gave an
opportunity to contribute to that responsibility.
Also, this electricity generated by different sources should not be wasted. When considering
the production process of an industrial factory, conveyor lines consume a considerable
amount of electricity and they are the main method of transportation and sorting products.
Therefore, by further developing the innovative ideas of industrial sorting conveyor line game,
the sorting process in this conveyor lines can be done according to their need without using
electronic gadgets and it will be a great saving of electricity.
Another big problem in the world is the reduction of energy sources like LP gas and crude
oil. In ancient Sri Lanka, the main energy source used in cooking was the firewood, which
was more fluent. With the use of LP gas for cooking which made cooking easier than before,
use of firewood reduced. But by making firewood more efficient and user-friendly through
the innovative ideas suggested in the efficient wood stove game, firewood can be used as a
remedy for future energy problems.
These types of events provide opportunities to the students to think differently in a new angle
and also to get along with the academic staff more closely. The combination of the students’
ideas with the improvements through lecturers’ ideas generated more effective creations.
Throughout these three days, by engaging in the competition, current undergraduates were
able to gain an idea about the challenges which they have to face in future and the solutions
they can take to overcome with their current knowledge. And after the competition, their
target should be to improve their inventions continuously while gaining new knowledge.
“INNOVATORS 2018” was successfully ended on 26th of May after selecting the winners of
the games and more than that contributing innovative engineering solutions for the world
hoping for another successful INNOVATORS competition in the next year.
Minoli Suriyapperuma
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3rd Year - Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
Faculty of engineering,
University of Peradeniya.
University of Peradeniya GAUGE Magazine