end of the 2nd day. Progression of the product so far and
teamwork were the basic criteria of marking. After about 12
hours of continuous hard work, day 2 was concluded around
8 pm.
The third day of ACES Hackathon also began at 8 am in the
usual venue amidst the chilly aura. The students were busily
engaged in adding the final touch-ups to their products and
also in preparing the presentations and demonstrations for
the final pitch. These tasks were completed by 12 pm. Then
the lunch was served and the participants were gathered at
the EOE Pereira Theatre along with the Academic Staff, the
panel of Judges, and Representatives of the Industry.
Various interesting, innovative ideas were implemented in
ACES Hackathon 2k18. Out of them, the best project and
the best idea were selected under two categories. Namely,
Software Development and Network and Systems. Apart
from that, the most popular idea was also chosen through
the number of Facebook likes on the posters created by each
Best Project – Network and Systems
1st place – Land Slide Detection System
2nd place – Shop4Me
Best Project – Software Development
1st place – Soil Quality Analyzer
2nd place – Smart meter Reader
Best Idea – Network and Systems
Land Slide Detection System
Best Idea – Network and Systems
Soil Quality Analyzer
Most Popular Idea – Data over Sound
LA-MOS - This an effective, inexpensive Land Slide Detection
system which monitors the soil slippage in the landslide-
prone areas and warns the nearby villagers giving enough
time to move towards safe areas.
Shop4me – This is a mobile application which connects people
and creates a community of those who go shopping and those
who need to go shopping but not able to, due to various
reasons such as the busy lifestyle. Those who go shopping
can shop for those who don’t and will be paid in return. All
the necessary communication happens through the app.
data only by using a
microphone and a speaker in
the place of Bluetooth/Wi-Fi
we use in the current context.
This method consumes
only 5% - 25% of the energy
compared to electromagnetic
data transformation. The
frequency sound waves
which are much better for
human health compared
electromagnetic waves.
Soil Quality Analyzer – A Civil
company spends millions
to perform tests on the soil
before constructing any
structure such as a road. Soil
moisture content, cohesion
and friction angle are a few
such parameters that are
tested. Soil Quality Analyzer
is a less expensive device of
performing such tests using
soil resistance and electrical
SMR (Smart Meter Reading)
– This is a device which helps
anyone to get in touch with
his/her daily electricity usage
while providing the electricity
bill, by logging into an online
real-time data. Easy access
and low cost are two of its
additional advantages.
officially came to an end with
the Vote of Thanks by Namila
Bandara the secretary of
Hackers Club. He thanked the
Data over Sound – This is an innovative method of transmitting
Academic staff, the organizing
GAUGE Magazine University of Peradeniya
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