Gauge Newsletter January 2019 | Page 14

Time ............................................................................................ What time is it? parameters such as speed and gravitational A question cannot be simpler. It is 11.00 p.m. field at the location of the observer. now, at the time of writing. It only involved checking the clock. Time dilation Speed dependence of time is called time dilation. In special relativity, an observer What is time? This is the real question, which scientists and in non-accelerating motion has a well- physicists have been trying to answer for defined means of determining which event occurs simultaneously with a given event. centuries. An accelerating observer, who is in relative By simple means, time is the duration motion with the first, will observe different between two past events. The clock now says events occurring simultaneously with the it is 11.02 p.m. Therefore, the time passed is given event. This is used to predict 'slowing 2 minutes. During that time this article was down' of time in accelerating motion with being written, time was felt to be moving respect to another. smoothly in the background. It neither went back nor crept forward. Hafele and Keating Experiment In 1971, US Naval observatory conducted In classical mechanics, time is regarded as the Hafele and Keating experiment to test an absolute characteristic of our universe, time dilation theory and gravity dependence independent of the location. It is considered of motion predicted by the theory of special as a straight passage of events that defines relativity. past, present and future, which is similar to Four Cesium beam clocks were flown around real life experience. the world twice in commercial airline jets and compared with the ground-based reference Time & the theory of relativity. clock of the observatory in Washington. With the introduction of Einstein's theory of The clocks actually showed differences relativity in the early 1900s, the idea of time in time, which were comparable with the changed drastically. values suggested by Einstein's theory of The theory proved that the time difference relativity. The theory of relativity was proven between two events totally depends on experimentally. PAGE| 12 University of Peradeniya GAUGE Magazine