Gauge Newsletter January 2019 | Page 12

sociated with lying and when a person is anxious excessive amounts of blood flows to areas around the eyes. This blood flow can be detected by facial thermal imaging. Another tech- nique involves the usage of lasers to detect muscular, circu- latory and other bodily changes associated with the anxiety of lying. There is a method which uses the voice of a person to detect whether he or she is telling the truth. Researchers claim that the frequency of the voice when a person is lying is different from the frequency produced when he is telling the truth. When a person lies, an involuntary interference of the nerves causes the vocal cords to produce a distorted sound wave. A lie-detecting keyboard has been developed by one company. This keyboard claims to identify liars by analyz- ing typing patterns, sensing moisture in fingertips, recording body heat and monitoring how fast the fingers are moving. The P300 concealed information test tops all of the methods mentioned before. An EEG (Electroencephalography) ma- chine is used to run this test. This method uses the physiolog- ical responses of the brain to detect liars. The basic working principle of this machine is to provide the suspects with infor- mation and if the information is meaningful then the brain will send a unique signal wave called a P300 wave. For example, if a subject is viewing a random series of names, one every three seconds, and occasionally, one of these is the subject’s name, a P300 wave is evoked in response to this rarely pre- sented, recognized, meaningful stimulus. This is what makes this test unique. By this, the police are able to detect sus- pects who have prior knowledge of details that would be only known by the suspects involved in the crime. PAGE| 10 University of Peradeniya GAUGE Magazine P300 lie detector only in- volves an EEG machine and requires only a few elec- trodes to be pinned into the test subject along with an EEG cap. A typical P300 test involves the following proce- dure. •Suspects are connected to the EEG machine - one sus- pect at a time. •A random collection of pic- tures are shown which in- cludes a single photo involving the crime, such as the murder weapon. •The suspects are asked to watch every photo with at- tention. •Brain-waves are observed for possible P300 waves. •Peak-to-peak value of P300 waves is observed. •The suspect with the largest P300 peak-to-peak value is usually the crimi- nal. Only the actual criminal would identify the murder weapon and create a P300 irregularity. The rates of correct detec- tion in guilty and innocent subjects in an experiment [1] were 86%, which was better than other previously men- tioned methods. The effect of countermeasures in the test is extensively investigat- ed by some researchers. The results of such researchers would ultimately result in a more reliable P300 based lie detector. Science is improving in its