Gatsby Times v.1 | Page 2

It was a cold February morning when I heard the puttering of a car pulling up outside my apartment window. As I looked out to see what was going on, I saw a police car pulling up to the garage across the street and four men getting out. It was hard to get a good look at them through the snow, but I believe that they looked like police officers. As the men entered the garage I remembered the rumors involving the gang activity centered in that very garage. I believe the boss’s name was Moran or something. Anyway, the next thing I knew all of my thoughts were shattered by fully automatic weapon fire from inside the building. At the time, I did not piece it together, but Chicago policemen have never been armed with automatic weapons, and there was a lot of gunfire. Even if it was the gangsters who fired on the police first, there was more gunfire than would be expected in a shootout.

My first instinct was to call the police, and so I did. It turns out It was a good thing I did.


“Put me through to the police department”

“Right away, sir”

There was a short moment of silence as I was put through to the police department

“Chicago police, what is the emergency”

“There is gunfire at 2122 N. Clark St., it seems that there are police involved in the shootout, they may need help!”

“You must be mistaken sir, we have no police cars in that area right now, but we will send some officers immediately. *click*”

That was when I realized that the car was not in fact a real squad car, but a look-alike with a siren taped on top. After the gunfire stopped, there was the most harrowing moment of silence until I saw the door of the garage open again. Two men dressed as policemen armed with Thomson submachine guns escorted two men who looked like true gangsters into the squad car and drove away.

When the police finally arrived, they found seven bodies on the floor, only one of which was still alive, but he died within the hour. This was truly a massacre.

St. Valentine's Day Massacre

Eyewitness Story Spotlight