Gator Preview Newsletter Winter 2013-2014 | страница 17

Student Accomplishments Gators-of-the-Month Each month, two faculty selection committees, one for the middle school and another for the senior high, meet to review students nominated for the “Gator-of-the-Month” award. Students are selected on the basis of citizenship, academic effort, and participation in school activities. Two students from the senior high and three from the middle school (one from each team) are selected for the award and are honored at the Board of Education meeting. October Gators (l-r): Chelsea Hughes, 12th Grade; Jack Eckstein, 10h Grade; Morgan Wermuth, 8th Grade Future Team; Amar Al-Habshi, 8th Grade Dream Team; and Steven Todd, 8th Grade Triumph Team. November Gators (l-r): Morgan Fell, 12th Grade; Logan Cruet, 7th Grade Future Team; Joe Rucci, 7th Grade Dream Team; Katie Martz, 7th Grade Triumph Team, and Christopher h Blundell, 11 Grade.