This
little
girl
really
wanted
to
get
at
that
popcorn.
Just
look
at
her
feet
–
she’s
ready
to
climb
right
in!
Mr.
and
Mrs.
Starner
found
a
shady
spot
to
sit
while
their
grandsons
enjoyed
their
ice-?cream.
The
little
guys
sure
do
look
like
they
are
having
a
good
time,
don’t
they?
Where
is
Grandma
and
Grandpa’s
ice-?cream?
Mr.
Softee
was
a
big
hit
on
a
hot
day
–
new
lines
formed
as
old
lines
faded.
All
kinds
of
yummy
confections
were
offered
–
and
sprinkles
were
free!