Gasification plant rm group Gasification plant rm group | Page 15

Adding 700 kilos of biochar per annum, you may increase their fertility and store there for centuries the carbon dioxide, that plants have taken from atmosphere in order to grow. If, by assumption, this solution is adopted by the entire Italian agriculture, the country would take away 45 million tonnes of CO² per year from atmosphere. For this reason more researches are focused on finding an economically and viable systems to capture and "kidnapping" the carbon dioxide, underground, produced by industry, to reduce greenhouse emissions into the atmosphere; CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage). In Italy there is a legislative decree, some patents, but no operational site yet. In other cases they have been used molecular sieves to capture the CO² that will be placed in the ground. Greenpeace, the worldwide environmental organization, said that the CCS is not a solution for energetic and climate problem; for several reasons. Meanwhile, at best, that technology is not expected to be available on an industrial scale before 2030. In addition, CCS plants consume a lot of energy in turn, reducing efficiency of the plants to which they apply, and they have really high costs. As a viable alternative, the CNR and Greenpeace researchers support renewable energy sources, toward which the environmental organization proposes the investments diversion. RM Impianti Srl - Energy Solutions 15