Gas Unleaded Verbal Libations Volume 2 | Page 13

or when I would happen upon a mutual friend of ours. I hadn't seen him in over 20 years and this brother had some how managed to become more beautiful. Well damn! The inside of my body is frantic with fever, butterflies have blossomed and taken flight from my stomach and now flap flutter about in my heart and mind. Peach waters rise in my mouth and trickle a springlike wet flow to my nether region. My subconscious and heart are both tugging and grabbing at memories, thoughts, words and feelings that neither are able to properly process at the present. I am rapidly approaching crazy with reckless abandon. Should I send him a "friend" request?

My class reunion went exceptionally well. It was back home in the dense, mutant mosquito infested country at a cousin's house. The turn out was great. We did make merry! We ate, drank, laughed, danced and of course caught up on each other's lives over the many years. Some of us had amusing and or amazing stories. I found myself in tears either from side stitching comical drama or gut wrenching pain and trauma. The food was awesome, music nostalgic and faces priceless with glee. We enjoyed each others company, we really did.

It had been weeks since I had logged onto social media or really given it much thought, when while preparing dinner and listening to Pandora "Tender Love" came on. The timeless classic instantly transported me back in time. Right back to my school days. I put my cooking aside and took the familiar track to my bedroom. I grab my laptop from my office and laid across my bed singing and smiling to the trailer of memories playing reels and stills in my head. I log onto social media to reconnect and find an in-box full of messages, tags of me and friends, hundreds of pictures liked and a galore of friend request. These people ain't playing no games! They are serious business about this thang....Okay, okay!

I laughed a lot, replied and posted several comments. I accepted some friend request, left a ton hanging, like.... ”Fool, I don't really even know you and YOU....I never liked. You tried it, denied. ” Where do they get off posting comments on my post and pictures like “LOL, Hey girl!, Girl you still crazy” and “HA, HA, HA”.....?HA HA Hell! People play entirely too much and I have never been one for rudimentary games. After getting though as many comments as humanly possible in one sitting, I finally open my messages. There he is! His profile picture looking like a million bucks. HOT DAMN!

“Beautiful pictures Stephanie.” I click the message to respond.

“Thank you David. I see you ain't half bad yourself. How are you?!?!? What are you up to these days?”

“Thank you sweetie. I am doing well. Enjoying my life here in California working for a Tech company, and you?”

“Oh that's what's up California dreaming, I feel you on that. Closer to the sun is more fun. Yup...... Well I'm over here in frigid D.C. aka Alaska, freezing my ass off planning for The Labor Day Classic and wishing for warmer days but in the meantime, enjoying all of these HBCU game days. Other than that, life has been more than generous to me. I can't complain.”

“Oh no, don't freeze that off lol. You know that is one of the main things I miss about the East Coast, it's true four seasons. It's never really cold here. It's kind of hard to get into the spirit of the cold holiday seasons with no cold, leaves to rake or snow. So, you are planning for The Labor Day Classic already? How so?”

“No need to fret anymore my friend. I will box you up a care package of leaves, a rake and a trough of liquid ice to make your very own snow. Happy Holidays to you! So, yes The Labor Day Classic. I'm branching out on my own as a entrepreneur doing party planning and promotions as well as corporate event planning. It's really new. I'll be the new kid on the block so I'm getting a jump on it. Going to blow everybody out the water straight out the gates! I recently left my job in “Corporate America” because after 9 years, it still wasn't the career I wanted or needed. So yeah.”

“Funny lady! I laughed out loud on the gift box, too funny. Nine years wow, yeah well good for you. Be happy doing your thing, good for you. I wish you much success. You will do well I am sure of it.”

We chatted for hours about work, where life had brought us and current events being so we are both news junkies. I logged off looking forward to the next time we would chat proudly adorning my girlish smile. Hey Kool-Aid LOL!

Working from home and happily I have a relativity light load today so my plan is to multitask. I log onto social media and update my status

“Morning loves. Smooches.” My in-box pings.

“Good morning beautiful."

“Hey handsome. So you think I'm beautiful huh?” Just like that, we are off and running. This conversation set up is more to the point. Straight no chaser, Rapido!

“Yes! I have always thought you were.”

“Awwww thank you Vid.”

“Lawd and you called me Vid!”

“Lol I did.....Vid......”