Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine September 2018 | Page 27
Explore | Masterclass
Long-exposure Photography
Jesús M. García
Jesús M. García
is a professional
photographer from Spain.
His obsession with
the quality of his images
has won him numerous
awards, including a gold
medal in the Al-Thani
Award for Photography.
He was the overall
winner at the EPSON
International Pano
Awards and named as
their 2017 Photographer
of the Year. Jesús is
sponsored by LucrOit,
Foto Ruano Pro,
PhotoPills and
Jesús specialises in long-exposure
photography, because with this
technique he can get ‘perfect moods
and atmosphere’ in his images. Jesús mengkhususkan diri pada
fotografi long exposure. Melalui
teknik ini, “atmosfer dan mood yang
sempurna” dapat tertangkap jelas.
For the last few years, he has travelled around the
world looking for the perfect picture, captured in
the right place and at the right time. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, Jesús berkeliling dunia
berburu foto yang sempurna, di mana pengambilannya
dilakukan pada tempat dan waktu yang tepat.
“I alternate my trips with my work as a trainer with
my company PhotoeXperience4U, coordinating
workshops and conferences throughout Spain,” he
explains. “In these workshops I show my innovative
techniques for developing and image processing
applied to photography for the 21 st century.” “Saya menyeimbangkan perjalanan dan pekerjaan
saya sebagai pelatih di PhotoeXperience4U, mengatur
lokakarya dan konferensi di penjuru Spanyol,” jelasnya.
“Dalam lokakarya tersebut, saya paparkan sejumlah
teknik inovatif yang dapat diaplikasikan selama proses
pengambilan gambar untuk fotografi abad ke-21.”
Amsterdam Sunset – the Netherlands
Jesús M. García
adalah fotografer
profesional asal Spanyol,
yang mengkhususkan
diri pada foto landscape
dan cityscape. Banyak
penghargaan yang ia
dapatkan untuk hasil
karyanya, antara lain
medali emas untuk
Al-Thani Awards
for Photography.
Belum lama, Jesús
penghargaan EPSON
International Pano
Awards sebagai
Fotografer Terbaik 2017.
Jesús juga didukung oleh
LucrOit, Foto Ruano Pro,
PhotoPills dan
This picture is another example of long exposure
during the day, taken in Amsterdam at sunset.
I calculated how long the boat took to cross the frame.
When the time was calculated, I used a 3-stop ND
(neutral density) filter to get the dynamic line of the
boat in the middle of my frame. This picture
was awarded a gold medal in the Trierenberg Super
Circuit, travel category.
Foto ini adalah contoh long exposure lainnya. Foto
diambil di Amsterdam kala senja. Saya mengatur
waktu yang diperlukan perahu untuk melewati frame.
Dalam rentang waktu tersebut, saya menggunakan
3-stop ND (neutral density) filter, sehingga aura dinamis
perahu tepat tertangkap di tengah frame. Foto ini
mendapatkan penghargaan medali emas Trierenberg
Super Circuit untuk kategori perjalanan.