Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine September 2018 | Page 24
Explore | Photo Editor
La: 52° 28’ 30.34’’ N Lo: 4° 49’ 4.43’’ E
Cylindrical Ice Cave, France
by Mathis Dumas
Two climbers make an incredible journey
up a cylindrical ice cave, naturally carved out
of a glacier. The tube-like cave, which has
been gradually formed by melting water
during the summer, is around 50m deep.
Photographer and mountain guide Mathis
Dumas, together with champion climber Jeff
Mercier, scaled the unique ice tunnel after
Mathis stumbled across it while guiding
clients over Mont Blanc.
La: 52° 28’ 30.34’’ N Lo: 4° 49’ 4.43’’ E
Zaanse Schans, the Netherlands
by Albert Dros
Zaanse Schans, a cluster of historic
windmills and traditional houses, 25
minutes from Amsterdam, is one of the
most popular tourist destinations in the
country. Taken very early on a spring
morning, capturing weather conditions
that are extremely rare for the area.
Jakarta to Amsterdam
3 flights per week
Foto ini diambil di Zaanse Schans, kompleks
kincir angin bersejarah dan rumah-rumah
tradisional sekitar 25 menit dari Amsterdam,
yang merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata
paling terkenal di Belanda. Diambil pada
awal pagi di musim semi, menangkap kondisi
cuaca yang sangat langka di area tersebut.
Dua pendaki melakukan perjalanan
luar biasa memanjat gua es silinder, yang
terbentuk secara alami dari gletser. Gua
serupa tabung, yang secara bertahap
dibentuk oleh lelehan es selama