Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine September 2016 | Page 26

24 Explore | Masterclass The Setup 5 Senses – Sight SEE THE DOCUMENTARY Chasing Ice made its TV debut on the National Geographic Channel in 2013. Since then, the film has screened in more than 172 countries. In 2014, the documentary won an Emmy for Outstanding Nature Programming and a Sundance Film Festival award for Excellence in Cinematography. It is now available for purchase online and streaming on Netflix. Sejak debut di saluran televisi National Geographic Channel tahun 2013, Chasing Ice telah diputar di lebih dari 172 negara. Pada tahun 2014, film dokumenter ini memenangkan penghargaan Emmy untuk kategori Outstanding Nature Programming, dan penghargaan Sundance Film Festival dalam kategori Excellence in Cinematography. Saat ini film tersebut sudah bisa dibeli secara online dan streaming di Netflix. For the EIS project, we used Nikon D200 and D300 bodies, secured in weatherproof housings. Powered by solar panels, batteries and other electronics, they are able to withstand temperatures as low as –40˚C and winds as strong as 255kph, as well as blizzards, landslides and avalanches. Here we see Matthew Kennedy and Daniel McGrath of the EIS team install a camera at Orne Harbor on the Antarctica Peninsula. The stop was part of the Extreme Ice Survey’s first expedition to the southern hemisphere. Untuk proyek EIS, kami menggunakan body Nikon D200 dan D300 dalam kotak tahan cuaca. Dengan tenaga dari panel surya, baterai dan elektronik lainnya yang mampu bertahan pada suhu serendah -40C, angin sekuat 255 km/jam, badai salju, tanah longsor dan longsor salju. Dalam foto ini terlihat Matthew Kennedy dan Daniel McGrath dari tim EIS sedang memasang kamera di Orne Harbor di Semenanjung Antartika. Tempat ini adalah bagian dari ekspedisi pertama Extreme Ice Survey di belahan bumi selatan.