Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine October 2017 | Page 98

96 Travel | Karijini Karijini National Park is approximately 1,400km, or a 17-hour drive, from Perth. The road trip is an experience in itself, but you can also fly to the towns of Paraburdoo or Newman from Perth. Both towns offer a limited number of hire cars (4WD is recommended if you want to access all sites); alternatively you can take a bus transfer from Paraburdoo Airport to the town of Tom Price, where you can join a Karijini day tour. Taman Nasional Karijini berada sekitar 1.400 km atau 17 jam berkendara dari Perth. Perjalanan darat merupakan pengalaman seru, tapi Anda bisa terbang dari Perth menuju Paraburdoo atau Newman. Kedua kota tersebut menawarkan sewa mobil namun dengan jumlah terbatas (Jika ingin mengakses seluruh area disarankan menggunakan mobil 4WD). Anda juga bisa naik bus dari Bandara Paraburdoo menuju Kota Tom Price untuk mengikuti Karijini Day Tour. NORTHERN TERRITORY Getting there Tom Price • Paraburdoo • Queensland • KARIJINI NATIONAL PARK WESTERN • Newman AUSTRALIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEW SOUTH WALES PERTH • VICTORIA When to visit Exploring the gorges The autumn and winter months and early spring months (April–October) are the most pleasant time to visit, with clear warm days providing a respite from the chills across the south of Australia. During the winter months (June–August) make sure that you bring warm clothing for the nights. Summer (December–March) is usually unbearably hot, with temperatures soaring above 40°C as well as being the wet season in this part of the country. Bulan-bulan di musim gugur, musim dingin, dan awal musim semi (April– Oktober) adalah waktu terbaik untuk berkunjung karena cuacanya cerah dan hangat, berbeda dengan suhu dingin di sepanjang Australia Selatan. Saat musim dingin (Juni–Agustus) pastikan Anda membawa pakaian hangat. Pada musim panas (Desember–Maret) suhu bisa mencapai lebih dari 40°C dan juga merupakan musim penghujan di wilayah ini. Each climbing or hiking trail within a gorge is graded, from 1 (being the easiest) to 6 (being the hardest). The level of difficulty may be related to fitness or technical ability. If you are unsure, ask the staff at the visitor centre or the Eco Retreat for advice. Gorges are also subject to flash flooding, so avoid climbing into them shortly after rain and get out of there as soon as you think rain is on the way. Setiap pendakian atau hiking di ngarai memiliki tingkat kesulitan tertentu, mulai dari 1 (paling mudah) sampai 6 (paling sulit). Tingkat kesulitan ini berkaitan dengan kebugaran dan kemampuan teknis. Jika tidak yakin, Anda bisa bertanya pada staf bagian informasi pengunjung atau Eco Retreat. Ngarai-ngarai ini juga bisa mendadak banjir, sebaiknya hindari mendaki sesaat setelah hujan dan segera keluar begitu Anda menduga hujan akan turun. Wildflowers Karijini’s rugged red gorges boast abundant native vegetation such as spinifex, mulga, ghost gums and fig trees. Starting from June, colourful wildflowers such as wattles, lemongrass and northern bluebells bloom across the landscape. You may also spot rock wallabies, dingoes and the abundant birdlife that call Karijini home. Ngarai merah Karijini yang kokoh ini dipenuhi vegetasi asli, seperti spinifex, mulga, ghost gums, dan pepohonan fig. Mulai bulan Juni, bunga-bunga liar yang berwarna-warni seperti wattle, lemongrass, dan northern bluebell bermekaran di area ini. Anda juga berkesempatan untuk melihat walabi, dingo, dan aneka burung yang tinggal di Karijini. 5 Senses – Touch SPA POOL At the end of the hike that is the tree-lined chasm of Hamersley Gorge Walk, immerse yourself in the gorge’s heart-shaped ‘spa pool’ and let the waterfall’s bubbles kiss away at your skin. The pool’s colour (a vivid blue) might be considered a visual feast, but it’s no match for that feeling of weightlessness after a long day. Di akhir pendakian terdapat jurang sempit Hamersley Gorge Walk yang ditumbuhi pepohonan. Anda bisa berendam dalam kolam ngarai berbentuk hati sambil menikmati sentuhan lembut buih air terjun di kulit Anda. Ditambah dengan warna biru muda airnya yang begitu indah, segala kepenatan setelah berjalan seharian pun hilang seketika.