Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine October 2015 | Page 40
Explore | What’s On
Tour de Singkarak 2015, West Sumatra, October 3–11
Bali International Triathlon 2015, October 25
One of the top cycling
events in the world,
Tour de Singkarak covers
1,300km over nine days.
Participating teams from
around the world will
start the race from
Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan,
the southernmost coastal
district in West Sumatra,
and finish in the provincial
capital of Padang.
Salah satu kegiatan
bersepeda terbesar
di dunia “Tour de Singkarak”
menjelajahi 1.300 km selama
sembilan hari. Lomba akan
berawal dari Kabupaten
Pesisir Selatan, daerah
pesisir ujung selatan
Sumatera Barat, dan
berakhir di Kota Padang.
The award-winning
Bali International
Triathlon comprises
a full Olympic triathlon,
a half-triathlon and
a 5km fun run. The race
will kick off with a
sunrise swim at Jimbaran
Bay, followed by a bike
sprint to Nusa Dua and
finishing with a road race.
“Bali International
Triathlon” ini terdiri
atas triatlon olimpiade
lengkap, setengah
triatlon dan fun run
sepanjang 5 km. Lomba
ini diawali dengan
berenang di Teluk
Jimbaran, bike sprint
ke Nusa Dua dan
berakhir dengan lari.
MesaStila Challenge & Ultra 2015, Magelang, October 9–11
The fifth edition of
MesaStila Challenge &
Ultra presents runners
with extreme challenges
set against breathtaking
backdrops of Central Java.
The race will take runners
through thrilling tracks
including old railroads,
bridges, forests, villages
and four majestic
mountains: Mount
Andong, Mount Merbabu,
Mount Telomoyo and
Mount Gilipetung.
Para peserta lomba lari
“MesaStila Challenge &
Ultra” akan menghadapi
sejumlah rintangan
dengan ditemani
panorama indah Jawa
Tengah. Para peserta
harus melewati sejumlah
rute seperti jalan kereta
tua, jembatan, hutan,
desa dan empat gunung
besar: Gunung Andong,
Gunung Merbabu,
Gunung Telomoyo dan
Gunung Gilipetung.