Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine November 2017 | Page 30
Explore | Masterclass
Solitary, beautiful and elusive, the jaguar is
the biggest native feline to roam the Americas.
Over the past 20 years, though, the jaguar
population has dropped by more than half.
Jaguar – Mexico
Solitary, beautiful and elusive, the jaguar is
the biggest native feline to roam the Americas.
Over the past 20 years, though, the jaguar
population has dropped by more than half.
With fewer than 3,500 left in the wild, they are
considered a critically endangered species in
many countries, including Mexico, where
they have suffered habitat fragmentation,
illegal hunting, loss of prey and conflict
with humans (especially ranchers trying
to protect their livestock).
Individual, memesona dan unik, jaguar adalah
jenis kucing terbesar yang hidup di alam liar
Amerika. Populasi jaguar telah berkurang lebih
dari 50 persen dalam 20 tahun terakhir. Kini hanya
tersisa 3.500 ekor jaguar di alam liar. Hewan ini
termasuk dalam kategori hewan yang sangat
terancam punah di banyak negara, termasuk
Meksiko. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh rusaknya
habitat, perburuan ilegal, hilangnya hewan mangsa
dan konflik dengan manusia (terutama peternak
yang berusaha melindungi ternak mereka).