Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine November 2017 | Page 12

10 Contributors CONTRIBUTORS 76 88 98 108 118 Feeding the Nation Travel: India Travel: Purwokerto Archipelago: Wakatobi Travel: Vietnam Petty Elliott Isabel Putinja Valentino Luis Ayos Purwoaji David Bowden A self-taught Indonesian chef and one of Indonesia’s foremost food writers, Petty Elliott has pioneered the archipelago’s cuisine as it blends with modern influences. Her latest cookbook Jakarta Bites was launched in July 2016 and explores the capital’s vibrant street-food scene. Jakarta Bites was named Best Street Food Book in Indonesia at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2016. Isabel Putinja is a Canadian freelance travel writer specialising in India, having lived in South India continuously for seven years and travelled widely across the country. She has contributed insider tips and travel features to several in-flight magazines on over a dozen destinations across India. Valentino Luis was born and raised in Maumere, Flores. He later completed his studies at the Udayana University in Denpasar, before moving to Germany in 2012 having decided to become a full-time traveller. His love of the mountains and the people in the remote areas of Flores inspired him to establish Shoes for Flores and Flores Rural Library, social programmes focused on education, while he continues to write. Ayos Purwoaji is a travel writer and independent curator who works along the intersection of history, architecture and art. His most recent exhibition ‘Almost There’ was held at the Vargas Museum in Manila, Philippines, in a partnership with other artists from Southeast Asia, Japan, China and Latin America. Find him on Instagram as aklampanyun. David Bowden is a photojournalist specialising in travel, food and the environment. Although born in Australia, he has been Asia-based for two decades. He is the author of several books including 10 in the ‘Enchanting Series’ including Enchanting Vietnam. His latest book Great Railway Journeys in Australia and New Zealand has just been published by John Beaufoy of the UK. Chef autodidak dan penulis kuliner terkemuka Indonesia, Petty Elliott, memelopori perpaduan masakan Nusantara dengan sentuhan modern. Buku masak terbarunya, Jakarta Bites, yang diluncurkan pada Juli 2016, mengupas keragaman street food di Ibu Kota. Buku tersebut dinobatkan sebagai Best Street Food Book in Indonesia, dalam acara penghargaan Gourmand World Cookbook 2016. Isabel Putinja adalah penulis lepas perjalanan dari Kanada dengan spesialisasi negara India. Tinggal di India Selatan selama tujuh tahun berturut-turut, dia melakukan perjalanan ke seluruh penjuru India. Dia berkontribusi menulis artikel tip dan perjalanan tentang lebih dari selusin destinasi di India untuk beberapa in-flight magazine. Lahir dan tumbuh di Maumere, Flores, Valentino Luis menyelesaikan studi di Fakultas Sastra Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, kemudian hijrah ke Jerman. Sejak 2012 ia memutuskan untuk menjadi full-time traveller. Kecintaannya kepada pegunungan dan masyarakat pedalaman Flores mendorongnya untuk mendirikan gerakan sosial pendidikan Shoes for Flores dan Flores Rural Library sembari tetap aktif menulis. Ayos Purwoaji adalah penulis perjalanan dan kurator independen yang bekerja di perlintasan bidang antara sejarah, arsitektur dan seni rupa. Pameran terakhirnya “Almost There” diselenggarakan di Vargas Museum, Manila, bekerja sama dengan perupa dari Asia Tenggara, Jepang, Tiongkok dan Amerika Latin. Ayos dapat ditemui di akun Instagram aklampanyun. David Bowden adalah seorang jurnalis foto perjalanan, kuliner dan lingkungan. Dia lahir di Australia, namun menetap di Asia selama dua dekade terakhir. Dia menulis banyak buku di antaranya adalah 10 buku Enchanting Series, salah satunya adalah Enchanting Vietnam. Buku terbarunya Great Railway Journeys in Australia & New Zealand telah diterbitkan oleh penerbit Inggris, John Beaufoy. Jakarta, Indonesia Istria, Croatia Flores, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia