Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine March 2015 | Page 33

Explore | Masterclass Good Morning, Rancaupas I feel fortunate and honoured to have won several international photography awards for Good Morning, Rancaupas. Again, I used the channel swap technique here. In the original IR image, the sky was brown and the leaves were light blue. This shot uses one of the more popular filters available on MyINFRARED, the Goldie IR filter. The village of Rancaupas is just 50 kilometres from the heart of Bandung. The conditions that morning were perfect for shooting – this is one of my favourite IR photographs. Saya merasa beruntung dan tersanjung telah memenangkan beberapa penghargaan fotografi tingkat internasional untuk Good Morning Rancaupas. Lagi-lagi, saya menggunakan teknik channel swap di sini. Di gambar IR yang asli, langitnya cokelat dan daun-daunnya biru muda. Pengambilan gambar ini menggunakan salah satu filter paling populer yang tersedia di MyINFRARED, yaitu filter Goldie IR. Desa Rancaupas hanya terletak 50 kilometer dari Kota Bandung. 31