Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine March 2015 | Page 116

114 Travel | Berastagi Hot Spring 101 If you're going to a wild hot spring, leave the soap at home. It isn’t needed (since there’s flowing, non-recycling water) and simply acts as a pollutant. Tak perlu membawa sabun mandi ke sumber air panas karena justru akan menjadi polusi pada sumber air panas tersebut. 5 Senses – Touch MOUNT SIBAYAK HOT SPRING Even if you don’t get to see the sunrise from the top of Mount Sibayak, you can head to one of the hot springs to unwind and relax your muscles after a long day of trekking and exploring. The natural hot springs are particularly pleasant in the cool mountain air. Locals bathe regularly to heal or relieve many ailments such as high blood pressure, anaemia, arthritis and rheumatism. Be sure to grab a spot with views across the Mount Sibayak valley for ultimate nature immersion and relaxation. Walau tidak sempat melihat matahari terbit dari puncak Gunung Sibayak, Anda dapat menuju salah satu sumber air panas untuk bersantai setelah seharian bertualang. Penduduk setempat berendam di sini secara rutin untuk menyembuhkan atau meringankan berbagai penyakit seperti tekanan darah tinggi, anemia, nyeri sendi, dan rematik. Pastikan Anda mengambil tempat yang menghadap lembah Gunung Sibayak agar Anda dapat menikmati pemandangan alam sambil santai berendam. A pair of flip-flops is handy for both commercial springs and in the wilds, owing to slick surfaces and uneven footing. Gunakan sandal untuk ke pemandian air panas dan di alam bebas, karena permukaan tanah yang licin dan tak rata. If you use your own towel, you'll be well advised to rinse it out soon after use as the mineral content and, frequently, acidity of spring water can be damaging to the towel. Jika menggunakan handuk sendiri, langsung cuci handuk Anda setelah digunakan karena kandungan mineral dan asam dari air panas alam bisa merusak serat handuk. Spring water can be damaging to a camera if a non-waterproof camera is immersed or if water is allowed to dry on the lens as mineral deposits are extremely difficult to remove. Air panas alam bisa merusak kamera bila terendam air dan jika dibiarkan mengering di lensa, kandungan mineralnya akan sulit dibersihkan. Know the maximum temperature of the hot spring. Temperatures as high as 70ºC are common in hot springs. Be conservative unless you know the spring well. Cek suhu air panas sebelum Anda berendam. Suhunya kadang bisa mencapai 70ºC. Berhati-hatilah kecuali Anda sudah mengenal baik sumber air panas tersebut. Many wild springs are gathering places for wildlife. Know what kind of animals might frequent the area, and be prepared for wildlife encounters. Kebanyakan sumber air panas adalah tempat berkumpul binatang. Ada baiknya mengetahui hewan apa yang sering muncul agar tidak kaget jika bertemu salah satunya.