Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine March 2014 | Page 46

44 Explore | What’s On WORLD EVENT MUSIC © JarradSeng Five Days Off – Amsterdam, March 5–9 Each year, groups of musicians and visitors from all over Europe and the United States arrive in Amsterdam to participate in this electronic-music festival inspired by Belgium’s Ten Days Off festival. Setiap tahun, sekelompok musisi dan pengunjung dari penjuru Eropa dan Amerika tiba di Amsterdam untuk berpartisipasi dalam festival musik elektronik yang terinspirasi dari Festival 10 Days Off di Belgia. Its growth since its inception as a fairly small festival in the Amsterdam Melkweg has been quick, its evolution turning it into a true city-wide festival, which now also involves the major Paradiso and De Balie club sites. Bermula dari festival kecil di Amsterdam Melkweg, perkembangan festival ini terhitung cukup pesat. Kini skala festival ini cukup besar, yang diselenggarakan pula di Paradiso dan De Balie. Boasting a programme that contains a strong mix of established names and upcoming talent from the Netherlands and abroad, Five Days Off now attracts more than 20,000 people per year. Acara yang ditampilkan dalam festival ini merupakan kolaborasi antara nama-nama terkenal serta musisi-musisi berbakat dari Belanda dan sekitarnya. Festival Five Days Off kini menarik lebih dari 20.000 orang per tahun. Having previously featured artists such as Daft Punk, Flying Lotus and Mono Lake, Five Days Off also presents an art programme in De Balie, offering a platform for disciplines other than music, such as film, photography, media art, graphic design, fashion and lifestyle. An energetic vibe rules Five Days and, in a city known for pushing the boundaries, the festival manages to hit all the right notes. Selain menampilkan musisi seperti Daft Punk, Flying Lotus dan Mono Lake, Five Days Off juga menyuguhkan gelaran seni di De Balie, yang menampilkan hal-hal selain musik seperti film, fotografi, media art, desain grafis, fesyen dan gaya hidup. Suasana penuh semangat mendominasi Festival Five Days, dan di kota yang terkenal dengan segala inovasinya, festival ini mendapat sambutan tersendiri. Sculpture by the Sea – Perth, March 7–24 Over its ten-year history, Sculpture by the Sea has seen the iconic Cottesloe beach’s glorious Indian Ocean coastline annually turn into an eclectic and mesmerizing beachfront sculpture park. Here in its tenth installation, more than 200,000 visitors will, for free, be treated to works by more than 70 artists from around the world. Sculpture by the Sea merupakan acara tahunan yang telah berlangsung selama 10 tahun di Pantai Cottesloe yang berada di pesisir Samudera Hindia. Dalam gelaran yang ke-10 ini, lebih dari 200.000 pengunjung yang datang tanpa dipungut biaya akan menikmati karya 70 seniman dari seluruh dunia.