Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine March 2014 | Page 16

14 Contributors CONTRIBUTORS 32 112 148 154 160 Masterclass: Aerial Photography Travel: London Travel: Bucharest Travel: Mexico City Travel: Atlanta Yann ArthusBertrand Mark Parren Taylor Alex Robertson Textor Ryan Craggs Giannina Smith Bedford Author of Earth from Above, which has sold more than three million copies, Yann ArthusBertrand considers himself an environmentalist and activist more than a photographer. His many projects have helped to reveal the state of the planet and the relationships between humankind and nature, focusing on environmental issues through aerial photography. Mark Parren Taylor is a UK-based culture and travel reporter. His work is published throughout the world and his assignments can send him anywhere. This month he explores his native London, where Soho juggles a colourful heritage with a cutting-edge shopping and entertainment scene. Alex Robertson Textor lives in London, where he writes about travel. Twice an SATW Foundation Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism award winner as editor of Travel by Handstand, he has written for myriad best-selling magazines such as New York Times, National Geographic Traveler and ELLE Singapore. He is currently researching a book about places along the edges of Europe. Ryan Craggs is an editor and videographer in New York City. He has lived in Madrid, Chicago and Rome. His favourite spot on Earth is atop the terrace in Barcelona’s Park Güell, though the drum circle in Madrid’s El Retiro remains a close second. He lives for Spanish-language cinema, modernist art and that first deep breath while exploring a new place. Giannina Smith Bedford is an Atlantabased travel and business writer whose work has appeared in a number of national and regional publications, including Condé Nast Traveler, Delta SKY Magazine and Atlanta Business Chronicle, among others. She is editor of Simply Buckhead magazine and has interviewed various celebrity personalities, including Venus Williams and civil-rights leader Rev. Dr Joseph E. Lowery. Yann Arthus-Bertrand, penulis buku Earth from Above yang telah sukses menjual lebih dari tiga juta kopi, lebih suka disebut sebagai ahli lingkungan hidup dan aktivis daripada fotografer. Proyek-proyek yang dikerjakannya membantu menyingkap keadaan daerah di muka bumi serta kaitan antara manusia dan alam, dengan titik berat pada masalah lingkungan melalui fotografi udara. Paris, Perancis Mark Parren Taylor adalah jurnalis perjalanan dan budaya asal Inggris. Banyak tulisannya yang telah dimuat di berbagai media internasional. Dari menulis, Mark berhasil berkelana ke banyak tempat. Pada edisi kali ini, Mark mengulas tentang Soho, sebuah daerah di Kota London yang berisi warisan budaya, pusat perbelanjaan terkini serta tempat-tempat hiburan. London, Inggris Dari tempat tinggalnya di London, Alex Robertson Textor banyak menulis mengenai perjalanan. Dua kali memenangkan penghargaan SATW Foundation Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism sebagai editor Travel by Handstand, Alex telah banyak menulis bagi majalah seperti New York Times, National Geographic Traveler, dan ELLE Singapore. Kini Alex sedang membuat buku mengenai sejumlah tempat di Eropa. London, Inggris Ryan Craggs adalah editor dan videografer asal Kota New York. Pernah tinggal di Madrid, Chicago dan Roma. Tempat favoritnya adalah teras di Park Guell Barcelona, dan juga drum circle di El Retiro, Madrid. Ryan menyukai filmfilm berbahasa Spanyol, seni modern dan selalu terpesona dengan tempat-tempat baru. New York City, Amerika Serikat Bermukim di Atlanta, Giannina Smith Bedford adalah penulis dalam bidang bisnis dan perjalanan. Tulisannya juga dimuat di Condé Nast Traveler, Delta SKY Magazine dan Atlanta Business Chronicle. Dia juga editor pada Simply Buckhead magazine dan selama karirnya telah banyak selebritas yang ditulisnya seperti Venus Williams atau tokoh hak azasi manusia Rev. Dr. Joseph. E. Lowery. Atlanta, Amerika Serikat Paris, France London, UK London, UK New York City, USA Atlanta, USA