Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine June 2018 | Page 20

Pahala N . Mansury , President & CEO of PT Garuda Indonesia ( Persero ) Tbk ., personally welcomes you .
The chicest locations ; the most stylish events ; our ultimate hit-list for the in-the-know traveller .
We explore the sacred holy city that has been captivating visitors for centuries .
The remote Sulawesi highlands are home to one of the world ’ s most fascinating communities .
18 Publisher

PUBLISHER www . garuda-indonesia . com June 2018

By Merydolla / Shutterstock
Light shines from beautiful , colourful lanterns , known as fanous in Arabic . The Fanous , in a range of sizes and shapes , provide a splendid glow to the festival of Ramadan .
Welcome to Colours
Karya Merydolla / Shutterstock
Cahaya bersinar dari lentera warna-warni yang indah ( dikenal sebagai Fanous di bahasa Arab ) dalam berbagai ukuran dan bentuk . Fanous memberikan cahaya yang artistik saat perayaan Ramadan .
Welcome on board Garuda Indonesia and a very happy Eid al-Fitr to all who are celebrating . In this special month , as 1.8 billion Muslims around the world observe the end of Ramadan , we invite you to explore the wonders of Medina in Saudi Arabia , Islam ’ s second holy city and the resting place of the Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ), known for its charming landscape and architecture . Back in Indonesia , we take you to Tana Toraja in South Sulawesi , a Shangri-La hidden from the outside world . Enjoy the exotic nature and the cultural treasures of one of the world ’ s most fascinating indigenous communities in the Sulawesi highlands . Colours also explores the seldom-visited places of Bird ’ s Head Seascape , an area of over 180,000km 2 in West Papua which is home to some of the most diverse reef life in the world . We visit pristine beaches and coastline by luxury yacht in search of the world ’ s largest fish . In our final trip , we take you driving through Oman to watch sunsets in the desert and indulge in an amazing culinary journey .
Selamat datang di penerbangan Garuda Indonesia . Colours mengucapkan selamat Idul Fitri bagi Anda yang merayakannya . Di bulan yang istimewa ini , kami mengajak Anda menikmati kesyahduan Madinah , Arab Saudi . Kota suci kedua bagi 1,8 miliar umat Islam dunia dan tempat peristirahatan terakhir Nabi Muhammad SAW ini memiliki pemandangan alam dan arsitektur menawan . Kembali ke Indonesia , kami bawa Anda ke Sulawesi Selatan . Tersembunyi dari dunia luar , Tana Toraja semacam Shangri-La di dataran tinggi Sulawesi . Saksikan alam eksotis dan kekayaan budaya dari komunitas adat paling unik di dunia . Colours juga menjelajahi lokasi-lokasi yang jarang dikunjungi di Bird ' s Head Seascape , sebuah area dengan luas lebih dari 180.000 km 2 di Papua Barat , yang merupakan rumah bagi terumbu karang paling beragam di dunia . Kami mengunjungi pantai-pantai sepi untuk mencari ikan terbesar di dunia dengan kapal pesiar mewah . Sebagai penutup yang manis , kami bawa Anda berkendara melintasi Oman untuk menyaksikan angin gurun , matahari terbenam di padang pasir dan mencoba kulinernya yang luar biasa .
8 Salam Garuda Indonesia
48 Explore Travel Trends
106 Travel Medina
Image Caption City , Country
116 Travel Tana Toraja
BOARD OF ADVISORS Citra Wikastri Hengki Heriandono
PUBLISHER PT Visindo Agensi Tama / Agency Fish
DIRECTOR Herawati Saragih
EDITOR Andi Hapsari
ASSISTANT AND COMMISSIONING EDITORS Gita Sembiring , Vega Probo , Lala Amalia
FINANCE Dede Trisnawati Muhammad Mahdi Raga Sukma Wijaya
DESIGN AND ARTWORKING Nanda Giftanina , Vaughan Davies , Rachel Smith , Rizky Iskandar , Aldy J . Tjan , Arief Rizky , Adhimas Yama , Yunaidi Joepoet
International MANAGING DIRECTOR Julian Jordan
GROUP EDITOR Stephen Peaple
PT Visindo Agensi Tama UOB Plaza – Thamrin Nine , 31 st Floor Jl . MH . Thamrin No . 10 Kebon Melati Tanah Abang Jakarta Pusat 10230
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Colours magazine has won a total of 77 awards since March 2013 , including 1 gold , 14 silver and 6 bronze Creativity Print and Packaging Awards for photography and design ; 2 PATA Gold Awards for travel photography ; 1 gold and 2 silver Content Marketing Awards for editorial ; and 15 silver Davey Awards for design .
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