Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine June 2018 | Page 178

176 News GARUDA INDONESIA SHINES GARUDA INDONESIA GRABS WITH FIVE AWARDS AT ITS 10 TH AWARD IN MOST BUMN MARKETEERS 2018 ADMIRED COMPANIES Garuda Indonesia was handed a total of five awards during BUMN Marketeers 2018, held by the State-Enterprises Ministry PR Forum in partnership with MarkPlus Inc. in May. The awards included Gold Winner in the Promising Company in the Tactical Marketing category, Gold Winner in the Most Promising Company in the Branding Campaign category, Silver Winner in the Most Promising Company in the Strategic Campaign category, Bronze Winner in the Most Promising Company in the Marketing 3.0 category, as well as being a Top 2 Finalist in the CMO BUMN 2018 category. This achievement reflects and is a result of the hard work shown by all Garuda Indonesia employees. This is part of the company’s commitment to maximise its marketing strategy in line with strengthening Garuda Indonesia’s operational performance, which grew positively in the first quarter of 2018. Today’s economic climate opens up an opportunity for Garuda Indonesia to pro vide innovative products that could eventually help boost the company’s profits. Garuda Indonesia Raih Lima Penghargaan di Ajang BUMN Marketeers 2018 Garuda Indonesia meraih lima penghargaan sekaligus di ajang BUMN Marketeers 2018 yang diselenggarakan oleh Forum Humas BUMN bekerja sama dengan MarkPlus Inc., pada awal Mei 2018. Kelima penghargaan tersebut yaitu The Promising Company in Tactical Marketing – Gold Winner, The Most Promising Company in Branding Campaign – Gold Winner, The Most Promising Company in Strategic Campaign – Silver Winner, The Most Promising Company in Marketing 3.0 – Bronze Winner dan Kategori CMO BUMN 2018 – Top 2 Finalist. Pencapaian ini merupakan hasil dan bukti kerja keras seluruh karyawan Garuda Indonesia. Hal ini pun menjadi wujud komitmen perseroan dalam memaksimalkan strategi marketing sebagai salah satu kekuatan dalam melanjutkan pertumbuhan kinerja operasional Garuda Indonesia yang semakin membaik pada kuartal 1–2018. Kondisi ekonomi saat ini, menjadi peluang bagi Garuda Indonesia untuk menghasilkan produk inovatif demi menunjang peningkatan profit perusahaan. Garuda Indonesia has once again graced Warta Ekonomi magazine’s annual list of Indonesia’s Most Admired Companies in the Transportation category, making it the airline’s 10 th time on the list. Warta Ekonomi Editor in Chief M. Ihsan handed the award to Director of International Commercial and Cargo at PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Sigit Muhartono in a symbolic event that took place in Jakarta. To compile its list, Warta Ekonomi considered a number of criteria, covering corporate image, financial image, HR image, product/ service image and global competitiveness image. Garuda Indonesia was granted the award for its outstanding success in maintaining its growth and positive image as the company of choice for employees and Warta Ekonomi magazine readers. “This award is without doubt a moment of pride for Garuda Indonesia, and hopefully it will continue to motivate all members of the company to continue doing their best work as we face this era of global competition,” Sigit said. Garuda Indonesia Raih Most Admired Companies ke-10 Garuda Indonesia terpilih sebagai Indonesia Most Admired Companies 2018, kategori Transportasi, versi majalah Warta Ekonomi untuk ke-10 kalinya. Penghargaan ini diserahkan oleh Pemimpin Redaksi Majalah Warta Ekonomi, M. Ihsan kepada Direktur Kargo dan Niaga Internasional PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk., Sigit Muhartono, di Jakarta. Kriteria penilaiannya meliputi corporate image, financial image, HR image, product/service image dan global competitiveness image. Penghargaan Warta Ekonomi Indonesia Most Admired Companies 2018 diberikan atas keberhasilan Garuda Indonesia dalam menjaga pertumbuhan dan citra positif sebagai perusahaan pilihan para pekerja dan para pembaca majalah Warta Ekonomi. “Penghargaan ini tentu saja membanggakan bagi Garuda Indonesia dan kiranya akan terus memberikan semangat bagi seluruh insan Garuda untuk terus berkarya yang terbaik dalam menghadapi era global competition,” kata Sigit.