Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine June 2018 | Page 149

GA Kids 147 Hara the Sumatran Tiger Hara is brave and likes to do sport, but sometimes his feelings get hurt. Hara berani dan suka berolahraga, tetapi ada kalanya dia bersedih. Oru the Orangutan Oru is cheerful and sometimes a bit naughty. He likes to play music and climb trees to pick fruit for his friends. Badu the Sumatran Rhino Badu is goofy and clumsy, but also kind and helpful. Badu likes reading books. Oru periang dan terkadang nakal. Dia suka bermain musik dan memanjat pohon untuk memetik buah untuk teman-temannya. Walaupun Badu sering konyol dan kikuk, dia baik dan suka membantu. Badu juga suka membaca buku. Did You Know? Animals like Gama, Badu, Modo and friends can be seen in the wild in Indonesia, but their numbers are not as large as they once were. That is because, over many years, the impact of people and their activities has affected the places where these animals live. This is a problem for animals all over the world. However, many governments, organisations and people are working on ways to increase the populations of animals which are now considered at risk. Satwa seperti Gama, Badu, Modo dan teman-temannya hidup di alam liar Indonesia, tetapi jumlah mereka tidak sebanyak dulu lagi. Sebab, kegiatan manusia selama bertahun-tahun telah berdampak pada habitat tempat hewan-hewan ini hidup. Ini menjadi masalah bagi satwa di seluruh dunia. Untungnya, banyak negara, organisasi, dan orang-orang yang bekerja untuk meningkatkan populasi satwa- satwa yang terancam punah ini.