Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine June 2018 | Page 100

98 Explore | Interview



Interview by Yani Lauwoie Photography by Yunaidi Joepoet
With more than 20 years ’ experience as an architect , Ary Indra has designed a wide variety of buildings in Indonesia and abroad . But who could have guessed that the co-founder of the architectural firm Aboday started it all because of a bathroom ? And that his passion for design would result in him representing his country at the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale ?
Ary realised he had an interest in spaces when he was about seven years old , initially due to contemplating the design of a bathroom in his grandmother ’ s house in Madiun . “ Every time I was in that bathroom , I couldn ’ t help thinking that a bathroom should be built more conveniently ,” he says during our meeting in Native Coffee at SAUMATA Suites and Apartments , one of his creations , in Alam Sutera , Tangerang .
Ary was determined to build a beautiful and comfortable bathroom for his grandmother . “ I wanted to build a carved bathroom because at that time carving equalled luxury ,” he remembers . Sadly , his grandmother passed away before he could make his plan a reality .