Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine June 2013 | Page 20

18 Contributors contributorS 78 100 110 110 130 Flavours: Seoul Travel: Belitung Travel: London Travel: London Masterclass: Seascape Nell McShane Wulfhart Jill Permadi Andrew Eames Tom Parker Bobby Bong Jill was born in Indonesia and has travelled with her husband, Jack, all over the world since 2010. Currently based in San Francisco, she writes about their adventures on their blog, Jack and Jill Travel (www. As avid climbers, when not at home or travelling, they search for the world’s most picturesque mountains and try not to fall while climbing them. San Francisco, USA With parents from opposite ends of the United Kingdom, Andrew Eames was born with his hand luggage packed. Travels in the Far East resulted in his first book, Crossing the Shadow Line, and his latest book, Blue River, Black Sea, features a journey down the Danube. These days Andrew lives by the Thames, so river exploration continues in his own backyard. London, England Tom loves to travel the world shooting for publications such as Condé Nast Traveller and Departures. Hence nothing gave him more pleasure as a south Londoner than to explore the beautifully close lower reaches of the Thames River, just down the road.  London, England Bobby Bong is a landscape photography enthusiast residing in Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat. He is a self-taught photographer who learnt from magazines, the internet and books. By enjoying and capturing the beauty of nature in pictures, he learns to be grateful for life. Singkawang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia Jill lahir di Indonesia dan telah melancong ke berbagai belahan dunia bersama suaminya, Jack, sejak tahun 2010. Kini, dia bermukim di San Fransisco dan menuliskan petualangan mereka di blognya, Jack and Jill Travel (www. Sebagai pendaki ulung, mereka juga senang menjelajahi gununggunung terindah di dunia. San Francisco, AS Dengan orang tua berasal dari kepulauan yang berada di pinggiran Kerajaan Inggris, Andrew Eames sudah terbiasa berpergian sejak kecil. Perjalanannya ke daerah Timur Jauh menghasilkan buku berjudul, Crossing the Shadow Line. Buku terbarunya, Blue River Black Sea, menuturkan perjalanan Sungai Danube dari hulu hingga ke Black Sea. Kini dia tinggal dekat Sungai Thames di London sehingga eksplorasinya berlanjut di halaman belakang rumahnya. London, Inggris Tom menyukai berpergian keliling dunia dan memotret untuk media cetak seperti Condé Nast Traveller dan Departures. Sebagai penduduk London selatan, tak ada yang lebih membahagiakannya selain mengeksplorasi keindahan suasana di sekitar Sungai Thames. London, Inggris Bobby Bong adalah penggemar fotografi lanskap yang bermukim di Kota Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat. Ia belajar fotografi secara otodidak dari majalah, artikel di internet dan buku-buku fotografi lainnya. Menikmati dan menangkap keindahan alam melalui foto, membuat ia belajar untuk lebih mensyukuri hidup ini. Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia Nell McShane Wulfhart is a freelance writer based in Seoul. She writes about travel, news and food in Asia, specialising in Korea, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, The Guardian, Condé Nast Traveller and a host of other international publications. She never travels anywhere without her Aeropress coffee maker. Seoul, South Korea Nell McShane Wulfhart adalah penulis lepas yang bermukim di Seoul. Dia menulis tentang pariwisata, berita, dan kuliner di Asia, khususnya yang ada di Korea, Sri Lanka dan Vietnam. Hasil karyanya dapat dilihat di New York Times, The Guardian, Condé Nast Traveller dan publikasi internasional lainnya. Wanita ini tak pernah berpergian tanpa ditemani coffee maker AeroPress miliknya. Seoul, Korea Selatan