Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine July 2019 | Page 46

Lifestyle / Travel Trends lifestyle ARTOTEL Wahid Hasyim -Jakarta Situated in the heart of the city, ARTOTEL Wahid Hasyim – Jakarta is the eighth from the ARTOTEL Group and second ARTOTEL in Jakarta. The art-inspired design hotel has collaborated with five emerging artists, whose inspiring original works – under the theme of ‘Metamorphosis’ – are to be discovered in every corner of the hotel. The hotel comprises 122 rooms with a choice of Studio 20 and Studio 40 (the numbers reflect their size) across the East and West wings. The relaxing colour palette in each room is punctuated with statement art, large windows, mood lighting and signature ARTOTEL amenities. Each room is also equipped with a LED TV and Dolce Gusto coffee maker. For refreshments and Pan- Asian cuisine in a contemporary setting, BANG BANG is open 24 hours with live music daily, while MEETSPACE is a stylish meeting room with capacity for up to 50 people. There’s an exhibiting ARTSPACE which displays and rotates artwork by talented local artists to promote their work to the wider world. 44 Berada di tengah kota, ARTOTEL Wahid Hasyim – Jakarta merupakan hotel kedelapan yang dimiliki ARTOTEL Group dan Hotel ARTOTEL kedua yang berlokasi di Jakarta. Hotel dengan interior terinspirasi karya seni ini menggandeng lima orang seniman terkenal. Mengusung tema Metamorfosis, karya-karya seni tersebut dapat ditemukan di tiap sudut hotel. Berisi 122 kamar, ARTOTEL menawarkan kamar tipe Studio 20 dan Studio 40 (angka menunjukkan luas kamar) di sayap timur dan barat. Warna menenteramkan pada tiap kamar dipercantik dengan hasil karya seni, dinding kaca, permainan lampu dan fasilitas berkelas dari ARTOTEL, lengkap dengan LED TV dan mesin pembuat kopi Dolce Gusto. Untuk makanan ringan dan kuliner PAN- Asian dalam nuansa kontemporer, BANG BANG buka 24 jam dengan musik panggung setiap harinya, dan tersedia pula 1 MEETSPACE, ruang pertemuan berkapasitas 50 tamu, serta galeri seni bersistem rotasi andalan ARTOTEL.