Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine April 2019 | Seite 96
Travel / Wakatobi
y the time we reached the darker deep-water
channel, a pod of leaping dolphins appeared
on the horizon...
morning, I watched as the reef
slipped beneath us like a floor of
polished blue marble. By the time
we reached the darker deep-water
channel, a pod of leaping dolphins
appeared on the horizon, and they
remained nearby until another
Orang Bajo community began
to loom into view over the water
like a miniature Venice, in the
straits near Kaledupa Island.
While Wakatobi’s highest peak
(on Wangi Wangi) rises to a mere 274m
above sea level, the offshore canyons
are believed to descend to a depth of
more than a kilometre. These great
submarine cliffs are responsible for the
upheaval of nutrients that make these
waters so incredibly fertile. At the port
in Tamboeloeroeha town I switched
boats for a short shuttle over to little
Hoga Island (just over 3km long).
E/ Sample delicious
kasuami, a light
bread-like speciality
made from cassava.
Usually prepared in
pyramids that are
wrapped in palm leaves,
it is best eaten either
with coto Makassar
beef soup or sour
fish soup .
I/ Cicipi sedapnya
kasuami, kudapan khas
mirip roti yang terbuat
dari singkong. Anda bisa
menemukan kasuami di
setiap komunitas di
kepulauan ini, biasanya
disuguhkan dalam
bentuk piramida yang
dibungkus daun palem.
Paling enak disantap
bersama coto Makassar
atau sup ikan asam.