Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine April 2014 | Page 18

16 Contributors CONTRIBUTORS 30 116 128 154 160 Masterclass: Spirit of Place Travel: Chiang Mai Travel: Tanjung Puting Travel: Brazil Travel: Beirut Steve Davey Brian Johnston Samantha Brown Kevin Raub Jessica Lee Steve Davey is a writer and photographer who travels and photographs for a range of publications from all over the world. Specialising in culture and festivals, Steve has recently published a comprehensive new book entitled Around the World in 500 Festivals (Kuperard). Steve has also recently published the extensively revised second edition of Footprint Travel Photography (Footprint Handbooks), the leading guide to travelling with your camera. Born in Nigeria of Irish parents, Brian was destined to become a travel writer: he has lived in Switzerland, the UK and China, and now calls Sydney home. The author of three travel books, he also contributes to leading newspapers and travel magazines. He has twice won the prestigious Australian Travel Writer of the Year award. Journalist Samantha Brown left Australia for adventure in 1997, and since then has lived and reported from Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia while travelling across much of the region as well. She’s a co-founder and editor of, an online guide to Southeast Asia. If she could only drink one cocktail on a tropical island ever again, it would be an Americano. Travel journalist and author Kevin Raub has scoured the globe for a variety of publications, including Condé Nast Traveller, Robb Report and New York Times T Magazine, and has co-authored nearly 30 Lonely Planet guides. From the top of the El Toco volcano in Chile’s Atacama Desert to the Dead Sea in Israel, Raub is trying his best to see it all. Follow him on Twitter (@RaubontheRoad) and In stagram (kevinraub). Jessica Lee is a freelance travel writer who specialises in the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey. As well as being the author of several Lonely Planet and Footprint guidebooks to these regions, her travel writing has been published by magazines, newspapers and websites such as BBC Travel, National Geographic and Wanderlust. Steve Davey adalah fotografer dan penulis yang banyak memotret untuk beragam publikasi di berbagai negara. Mengkhususkan diri dalam budaya dan festival, Steve baru-baru ini menerbitkan buku berjudul, Around the World in 500 Festivals (Kuperard) serta buku cetakan keduanya Footprint Travel Photography (Footprint Handbooks), panduan melancong dengan kamera. London, Inggris Lahir di Nigeria dari orangtua asal Irlandia, Brian ditakdirkan untuk menjadi seorang travel writer. Dia pernah tinggal di Swiss, Inggris serta China, dan kini menetap di Sydney. Dia juga telah menulis tiga buku perjalanan, serta menjadi kontributor surat kabar serta majalah perjalanan terkemuka. Selain itu, dia juga telah dua kali meraih Australian Travel Writer of the Year. Sydney, Australia Samantha telah berkelana meninggalkan Australia sejak tahun 1997, dan sejak saat itu jurnalis ini tinggal dan menulis dari Thailand, Kamboja dan Indonesia. Samantha juga merupakan cofounder sekaligus editor pada, sebuah panduan online di Asia Tenggara. Bila berkesempatan menikmati koktil di pulau tropis, maka Americano akan menjadi pilihannya. Bali, Indonesia Jurnalis travel dan penulis Kevin Raub telah berkeliling dunia untuk menulis bagi banyak media seperti Condé Nast Traveller, Robb Report, dan New York Times T Magazine, dan pernah menjadi penulis pendamping untuk 30 Lonely Planet guides. Dari puncak Gunung El Toco di Atacama Desert, Chile hingga Dead Sea di Israel telah dijelajahinya. Nama twitter-nya (@ RaubontheRoad) dan Instagram (kevinraub). São Paulo, Brasil Jessica Lee adalah penulis lepas untuk travel di Timur Tengah, Afrika Utara dan Turki. Selain menjadi penulis untuk beberapa buku panduan Lonely Planet dan Footprint di daerah tersebut, tulisan mengenai perjalanannya sudah diterbitkan oleh beberapa media seperti BBC Travel, National Geographic, dan Wanderlust. Timur Tengah London, UK Sydney, Australia Bali, Indonesia São Paulo, Brazil Middle East