Garner Police Department Annual Report 2021 | Page 18

The Police Department is actively engaged with area youth through the Garner Police Athletic / Activities League .
and good citizenship . Garner PAAL brings youth under the supervision and positive influence of a law enforcement agency and expands public awareness about the role of a police officer and the reinforcement of the responsible values and attitudes instilled in young people by their parents .
PAAL hosted biweekly school-based programs at the various elementary schools in Garner . PAAL provides support and collaborates with school staff to provide life learning lessons combined with fun activities . PAAL hosted weekly after school programs at North Garner Middle and East Garner Magnet Middle Schools . These coed programs provide academic support , intramurals , field trips , and other activities such as campus beautification . PAAL partnered with various organizations to serve over 500 students at Garner United Methodist Church ’ s annual Back to School Bash .
Garner PAAL ’ s partnership with Pride Boxing continues to be popular with the youth . Boxing is a trademark sport of National PAL and offers youth the opportunity to channel their anger and aggression through the sport of boxing . Boxing provides a physical outlet while building confidence and self-discipline . Kenny Williams , owner of Pride Boxing , mentors youth using the boxing ring to teach life lessons . Students are also bound by a contract to be productive students in their schools by maintaining good grades and staying out of trouble .
Garner PAAL partnered with the Garner Parks , Recreation and Cultural Resources to co-host the youth basketball program . Garner police officers served as basketball coaches and attended games regularly to show support to the Garner youth .
Schools and Community Organized to Read ( SCOR )
SCOR is a locally developed reading buddy program sponsored by the Garner Educational Foundation to support Garner ’ s elementary schools . SCOR serves primarily second-graders