COMMUNITY POLICING IS OUR philosophy and organizational strategy that promotes a partnership between citizens and their police force , problem-solving , and crime prevention . It is based on the premise that both the police and the community must work together to identify , prioritize , and solve contemporary problems such as :
Crime , The fear of crime , Social and physical disorder , Overall neighborhood decay , and Improving the overall quality of life .
Community Policing in Garner encompasses all that we do as law enforcement officers and employees daily — whether we are involved in education , enforcement , partnerships , prevention , or problem solving , we are following
the community policing philosophy .
Community Involvement
The Garner Police Department encourages and is committed to having our employees and our department involved with community activities and outreach to develop and maintain working relationships with the people we serve .
The department was involved with the following activities , programs , and projects during 2021 :
Citizens Police Academy
The Citizens Police Academy , a 10-week-long program , is an opportunity for citizens to learn how our Police Department works , to meet officers who work in their community , and to learn more about what it means to be a police officer in Garner today . The Department conducted two ten-week sessions in 2021 ; one in the spring and a second in the fall . The goal of the Academy is to build relationships between officers and the
The Garner Citizens Police Academy is a free 10-weeklong course that offers residents a chance to learn how their police department works .
community through better understanding of our jobs and functions . It also provides a forum for feedback and suggestions for improvement . Each week , one or more topics are taught by members of the Department . Citizens have opportunities for hands-on practical exercises where appropriate .
The following classes are currently taught : Introduction to Class / Department Overview , Communications , Vehicle Stops , Drug Investigations / K-9 , Arrest , Search and Seizure , Domestic Violence Investigations , Use of Force , Rapid Deployment , and Traffic Enforcement / Crash Analysis / DWI Detection . After graduation , students are given an opportunity to apply for the Citizens and Police Together team ( CAPT ).
Citizens and Police Together
Citizens and Police Together ( CAPT ) is a volunteer group composed of Citizens ’ Police Academy graduates who are willing to volunteer their time to give back to their community . The CAPT mission statement is , “ The goal of the Citizens and Police Together team is to partner with the officers and support personnel to provide extra assistance as needed , to be a positive influence , and to return a service to the citizens of Garner that will make a great community even greater ”. CAPT consists of 18 volunteers and helps with such events as Child ID stations , the July 3rd Celebration , National