Garner Police Department Annual Report 2018 Published July 2019 | Page 12
C rime in G arner
prospective residents look to in evaluating
a community is crime and the perception of crime
among residents. The Garner Police Department
recognizes that crime control is one of our critical
data about these offenses (e.g. time of day of
burglaries). This expanded offense data also
includes trends in both crime volume and crime
rate per 100,000 inhabitants.
The Garner Police Department transitioned to the
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
on November 1, 2018. NIBRS was implemented
However, it is important to make the distinction to improve the overall quality of crime data
between the totality of crime and the subset of collected by law enforcement. NIBRS captures
crimes that are reported, and therefore become details on each single crime incident – as well as
known to the police. Although there are many on separate offenses within the same incident –
factors that influence the reporting
including information on victims,
of crime, it is generally accepted
known offenders, relationships
that only a modest percentage
between victims and offenders,
In 2018, the Town of arrestees, and property involved
of crime is ever reported to the
Garner saw a 4.4%
The law enforcement
community’s primary objective reduction in the total
with regards to the collection
number of Part One All crime related statistical data
and analysis of crime data is to
can be found at the NC State
crimes reported.
provide a reliable set of crime
Bureau of Investigations web-
statistics for criminal justice and
site at
law enforcement administration,
This site contains all current and
operation, and management. This data is also historical data for the Garner Police Department.
used to provide an objective measurement and
indication of the overall level of crime in our 2018 CRIME STATISTICS
In 2018, the Town of Garner saw a 4.4% reduction
in the total number of Part One crimes reported.
These crimes, which are separated into violent
The Garner Police Department participates in both crimes and property crimes, include the following
the state and federal crime reporting systems. offenses: murder, rape, aggravated assault,
We are an incident based agency, which means robbery, burglary, larceny, and motor vehicle theft.
we submit the most comprehensive type of crime The total number of Part One crimes reported in
data to both the federal and state systems.
the Town of Garner in 2018 was 1,292. The total
number of violent crimes decreased from 36 to 35,
The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program which equates to a 2% decrease. Total property
collects offenses that come to the attention of law crime decreased by 5.6%, down from 1,106
enforcement for violent crime and property crime, in 2017 to 1,044 in 2018. For a more detailed
as well as data regarding clearances of these explanation of our crime statistics, please see the
offenses. In addition, the FBI collects auxiliary data on the facing page.