Garner, N.C.: A Great Place to Be - 2017 | Page 14

Garner ’ s parks system and network of trails and sidewalks demonstrate a far-sighted commitment to preserving the town ’ s natural resources while enhancing citizens ’ quality of life . There are 10 parks comprising 350 acres in town limits — including 160 acres of open space in the heart of Garner with over five miles of park trails . New greenways and sidewalks continue to be built , connecting Garner ’ s premier parks to local neighborhoods and schools .

Garner ’ s parks system and network of trails and sidewalks demonstrate a far-sighted commitment to preserving the town ’ s natural resources while enhancing citizens ’ quality of life . There are 10 parks comprising 350 acres in town limits — including 160 acres of open space in the heart of Garner with over five miles of park trails . New greenways and sidewalks continue to be built , connecting Garner ’ s premier parks to local neighborhoods and schools .

White Deer Park Nature Center earned a LEED Gold designation when it opened in 2009 , making it a pioneer among such facilities in the Carolinas . Its educational programs promote environmentally responsible living .