Garlic Friday Menu of Services Jun. 2014 | Page 2

Why 1. 3. are graphics so important when it comes to social media? Gives you cohesive branding Kind of a big dea!. Your fans are going to recognise you by your logo, colours and graphics. Branded images are a brilliant low key way for any company to connect with their fans and expand their reach. 2. Cause Facebook said so Earlier this year Facebook made an announcement to the community stating: "Page admins can expect a decrease in the distribution of their text status updates, but they may see some increases in engagement and distribution for other story types." * To summarise, fan pages won’t be getting the same exposure they use to just from text based statuses. They want us to power pack every status with something of extreme value. You want likeability and shareability. Great graphics can do that. [Source:] 4. Makes you look like a pro Even if you're answering emails in your PJs, you still want everything about your outward business to look professional. Clear and consistent branding will give the kind of impression that you've got it all together and can be trusted to do business with. Creates an emotional connection Advertising is most effective when an emotional connection is made. When you connect using emotion, the consumer pays closer attention. And when that happens, your message cuts through the clutter and makes a lasting impression. They say a picture paints a thousand words, which makess graphics one of the most powerful mediums for getting your story across.