Gardenia Funerals Rochelle Nolan Order of Service Booklet | Page 2

A Short Note From Russell (Russ) Gilbert Thank you everyone for your words of comfort and support. As you could all imagine, today is the hardest day of my life! It is with the greatest sadness that I do not have the strength to be here with you all today, I’m just not ready say goodbye. Thanks again everyone, I will see you all soon! Russ x For all the rights and all the wrongs, I loved watching you sing this song. We were together for 19 years, and I will miss you my darling. I had so much love to give you and I wanted only to be with you. I loved you from the start and you will be forever in my heart. Sometimes things must come to an end, and sadly this is ours my soulmate and friend. I’ll treasure the good times and try not to cry. These are the words I have spoken, oh how I wish that you were not broken. You’re in my heart and soul forever. I’ll miss you my darling. Rest in Peace - Russell