Garden & Greenhouse October 2018 Issue | Page 32

FEATURESTORY by Eric Hopper Kalanchoe is a Great Greenhouse Plant Common Names: Mother of thousands, Flaming Katy, piggy-back plant and life plant. Light: Consistently high light. Best Temperature: Allow cool temperatures of 50º-60ºF for the flower blooms to appear in the fall but oth- erwise, keep warm. Water and Humidity: Let the soil dry between watering. Growing Guidelines:  Use an all-purpose soil with added sand for drainage. Fertilize with fish emulsion once a month while they are blooming. Common Pest Problems: Aphids and Mealybugs. Propagation: Stem, cuttings, seed and from leaves. Comments:  It can be difficult to get them to bloom more than once, or depending on the species, it may die after blooming. Fun Facts: Kalanchoe, also written Kalanchöe or Kalanchoë, is a large genus of about 125 species of tropical, suc- culent flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae and has a very wide distribution area. Only one species of this genus originates from the Americas, but there are 56 from southern & eastern Africa and 60 species in Madagascar. It is also found in south-eastern Asia until China. Most of the species interesting to collectors are coming from Madagascar or South Africa. These spe- cies are generally subshrubs with succulent leaves. 32 Scientific Classification Family: Crassulaceae Subfamily: Sedoideae Tribe: Kalanchoeae Genus: Kalanchoe The name Kalanchoe came from the Chinese name “Kalanchauhuy”. Most are shrubs or perennial herba- ceous plants, but a few are annual or biennial. The largest, Kalanchoe beharensis from Madagascar, can reach 20 feet tall, but most species are less than 3 feet tall. Everyone pronounces it differently and nobody knows exactly who’s right. Flowering Kalanchoe is a cousin to the Jade plant and a fairly low-maintenance September 2018