Garden & Greenhouse October 2018 Issue | Page 38

FEATURESTORY What Living Soil Means by Bill Baugh L iving soils are simply the portion of the soil that is composed of living microorganisms. To be truly healthy soil must contain a variety of mi- croorganisms. So, healthy soils means far more than just the absence of disease. Healthy soil means that soil contains all of the necessary microorganisms to create a balanced micro food web for the plants. While plants vary in their need for different microorganisms, the constant factor is the need for a vibrant mix of soil microbiology to have healthy, living soils. There are three main types of soil microorganisms that will be discussed in this article; bacteria, fungi, pro- tozoa. Benefi cial Soil Bacteria THE ORIGINAL TWO-PART, PH BALANCED HYDROPONIC BASE NUTRIENT. • • • • Ensures maximum growth and flowering Highly concentrated pH balanced for increased yields Over 20 years of outstanding results High Performance Products. High Performance Service. Benefi cial Soil Fungi Fungi are a form of microorganism that creates several benefi ts to living soils. Fungi tend to hold soil together and thus improve soil structure. Benefi cial soil fungi consume some of the harder to digest materials such as the cellulose found in leaves and tree trunks. Fungi can have a symbiotic, mutually benefi cial, rela- tionship with plants. This mycorrhizal relationship al- lows some benefi cial fungi to transfer vital nutrients directly to the plant roots. It is important to note that while many soil fungi are benefi cial, there are also dis- ease causing, pathogenic, fungi as well. Protozoa To see the full line of products and find a dealer near you please visit: Bill Baugh is a product manager for Custom Biologicals, Inc. a manufacturer and distributor of innovative microbial products. You can visit their website at and he can be contacted at 561.797.3008 or [email protected]. 38 Bacteria are prokaryotic, single celled microorgan- isms. Bacteria, through their ability to produce a wide variety of enzymes, are vital for recycling nutrients in the soil. Bacteria produce so many enzymes that they are sometimes thought of as enzyme factories. There are thousands of species of bacteria and they are among the oldest organisms on earth. Ecologically, many bacteria are classifi ed as decomposers. That is organisms that “feed” on dead organisms and recycle their nutrients. Additionally, bacteria bind several compounds to the soil, including nitrogen, so that they will not leach out of the soil. Protozoa include a number of microorganisms many of which consume soil bacteria. As a part of the soil micro food web, protozoa consume bacteria releasing the excess nutrients in a soluble form. It is this soluble form of the nutrients that is utilized by the plant roots. All the organisms we’ve discussed, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, also help build micro air passages that allow air, water, and nutrients to move through the soil to the roots. GG September 2018