Garden & Greenhouse November 2018 Issue | Page 27

Types of Radishes
Radishes are from
the same plant family
as mustard, turnips
and the cabbage family.
It was first cultivated
in Europe before
the Roman Empire invasion.
They come in two
basic varieties: spring and
winter. The crunchy spring varieties
of radishes are planted in the
early spring as soon as the soil can be worked
and mature within a month of planting. Winter varieties
are planted in the fall and require more time
to mature. However, these radishes store better and
maintain quality better in the garden or the refrigerator
than spring radishes.
Planting Radishes
Plant spring radishes as soon as the ground can
be worked in the spring in a garden bed that is six
inches deep. Plant the slower growing winter radishes
in late summer in garden bed that is two feet
deep. Both spring and winter variety seeds should
be planted at a depth of one half inch in rows that
are one inch apart. The soil should be gently watered
and in firm soil. For a continual harvest plant a short
for several weeks in a row
Once the seeds have germinated, thin them to
one plant every three to four inches. Because radishes
don’t like too much water or too little, water
them frequently to keep the soil moist. Add mulch to
keep weeds down as well as maintain moisture. Radishes
grow quickly and normally aren’t bothered by
garden pests.
Radish Growing Buddies
Pigweed, often referred to as wild amaranth,
helps radishes because it loosens the soil. Nasturtiums
and mustard greens protect radishes with
their oils. Sow radishes in the same rows with beets,
spinach, carrots and parsnips. Radishes grow quickly
and will mark the rows for the slower growing vegetables.
Growing radishes with leaf lettuce will keep
them tender longer and they also grow well with
kohlrabi, bush beans, and pole beans. Planted with
cucumbers, squash and melons, they repel the striped
cucumber beetle and when planted with tomatoes,
they help repel the spider mite.
I never grow them in ground vacated by cabbage,
cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli or turnips
grown in the previous season because they are all
members of the cabbage family. I also wouldn’t plant
them near hyssop.