Garden & Greenhouse May 2019 Issue | Page 8

Indoor, outdoor, and greenhouse gardens are all susceptible to pest insects and the use of pesticides is quite common in horticulture. Unfortunately, many of the pesticides used are derived from chemi- cal ingredients that can leave behind dangerous residuals. Vegetables, fruits, and other con- sumable plants should never be treated with an insecticide or fungicide that could pose a health risk to the horticulturist or the end consumer. The good news is that many horticul- turists have learned that organic-based pesticides and fungicides are just as effective at treating and pre- venting pest insects as their chemical counterparts. Although it is still very important that the manu- facturer’s application instructions for organic-based insecticides and fungicides be followed exactly, they are generally safer options for both the gardener and the end consumer. Organic pesticides and fungicides are also generally better for the environment and are less likely to negatively affect benefi cial insects. Guard ‘n Spray - Organic Insecticide and Fungicide Guard ‘n Spray is an OMRI certifi ed, organic in- secticide and fungicide containing food-grade active ingredients. This multi-purpose spray can be used to treat not only pest insects, such as spider mites, 8 broad mites, aphids, fungus gnats, whitefl ies, beetles, and thrips, but also pathogenic fungi, such as powdery mil- dew and downy mildew. Due to its all-natural, food-grade- based formula, Guard ‘n Spray will not harm benefi cial insect pollinators and is safe to use around people and pets. Guard ’n Spray’s components fea- ture mechanisms of ac- tion that will be fatal to pest insect adults, larvae, and eggs. For any pest insect treatment to work effectively, the pest insects must be treated in all stages of their life cycles. A proper treatment program for pest in- sects will treat all stages of that insect’s life cycle. Similarly, an effective treatment program for fungal pathogens will address prevention and all stages of the pathogen’s life cycle. Guard ’n Spray is unique in the garden because it effectively treats all stages of both pest insect and pathogenic fungi life cycles. In other words, Guard ’n Spray is a full sp ectrum or- ganic insecticide and fungicide and is a perfect fi t in any IPM program. The secret behind Guard ’n Spray’s effectiveness is its formula’s proprietary combination of organic oils and citric acid. Citric acid helps break down and desiccate exoskeletons and fungal spores on contact, before the pest insect or pathogenic fungi is able to establish itself in the garden. Guard ’n Spray’s formulation of food-grade cinnamon, rose- May 2019