Garden & Greenhouse May 2019 Issue | Page 40

PRODUCTS, PLANTS & MORE Earth® organic soils, fertilizers, and controls at your favorite local garden store or nursery. OMRI Listed All Purpose Fertilizer D r. Earth® Premium Gold All Purpose Fertilizer (4-4-4) is CDFA certifi ed organic and OMRI listed. It builds the soil and promotes plant health and disease resistance by providing balanced nutrition - maximiz- ing harvests for all plants in the garden. Premium Gold All Pur- pose Fertilizer contains powerful MycoApply® benefi cial soil mi- crobes that work synergistically with the soil and plants root system to increase overall vigor and structure. Use it in contain- ers, raised beds, in ground plantings and in compost tea. For more information visit your local garden supply store or nursery. New Shade Houses Combine Two Inventive Offerings G rowers Supply has com- bined two of its most popular products to create the Commercial SunBlocker™ Shade House with Svens- son Solaro. The new shade 40 house features the durable SunBlocker shade house frame with Svensson Solaro shade material, enabling growers to maintain their plants’ profi t- ability by protecting them from damaging sunlight and heat. Svensson Solaro shade utilizes solar refl ection to promote a cool space that allows plants to thrive. The material features a highly refl ective white side that drastically reduces heat and light transmission. Solaro shade material is available in 40 percent to 80 percent shade. Svensson Solaro shade material is constructed with the highest strength and comes with a three year warranty. It is manufac- tured from coextruded black/ white polyolefi n fi lm and with a monofi lament yarn structure that provides strength and a long life, while also preventing stretching. The Svensson Solaro shade is supported by a durable SunBlocker shade house, which is constructed from USA-made, triple-galvanized structural steel. The structure is corrosion resistant and also tall enough to allow the heat to escape. The Commercial SunBlocker Shade House with Svensson Solaro shade can be manufactured to any size, but are also available in stock sizes of 18 feet, 20 feet and 24 feet wide with lengths of 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet, 50 feet and 60 feet. For more informa- tion call 800.476.9715. Plant Stimulant H ydrofarm now offers Liquid Humic, from Age Old Or- ganics. Age Old Liquid Humic fractions biologically stimulate plants, increasing cell division and nutrient uptake resulting in stronger, healthier plants and higher yields. When formulated with trace elements, it works as a complexing agent, help- ing release nutrients such as phosphorus and potash to make them more readily available to the plant. Humic increases ben- efi cial microbial activity in soil and cation exchange capacity (CEC, or nutrient holding capac- ity of soil) at the root zone for better uptake of nutrients, for a positive effect on the quality and taste of the fruits and vegetables you love to grow. Used as a soil conditioner, Age Old Humic improves soil structure and tilth, helping provide a friendly environment for soil microbes and improving sed germination and root development. Age Old Organics plant fertilizers are both sustainable and effective, embracing the “Age-Old” ways of growing while weaving in specifi c technologies that en- hance the growth of plants in a sustainable way. May 2019