Garden & Greenhouse May 2019 Issue | Page 39

PRODUCTS, PLANTS & MORE Benefi cial Nematodes A RBICO Organics Benefi cial Nematodes are micro- scopic, non-segmented round- worms that occur naturally in soil throughout the world. They are used in agriculture and gardening to control the soil developing stages of many common plant pests including beetle grubs, borers, weevils, fungus gnats and more. They are also loved by pet owners and lawn lovers to help control fl eas, fl ies and grubs. Benefi cial Nematodes are applied to the soil with water and attack pest larvae with results in just a few weeks. ARBICO Organics offers 6 different strains (plus 3 OMRI listed), so you can select the right control for your situation. They are recommended for use in spring and fall for continued control throughout the pest lifecycle. Benefi cial nematodes can be used around and will not harm mammals, aquatic life, birds, reptiles or amphibians. without gaps and overlaps that can cause heat loss. Arcadia greenhouses can be attached to your home or freestanding in a garden with custom sizes and shapes. Additionally, Arcadia manufactures standard DIY greenhouse kits and Evenspan and also offers lean-to models are available with single-pane glass, double-pane glass, and polycarbonate options. A free 10-step Greenhouse Planning Guide includes tips and recom- mendations for the best green- house location and various heating and cooling options, plus foundation requirements and more. For more informa- tion and a copy of the free greenhouse planning guide call 440.357.0022. Free Greenhouse Planning Guide A rcadia greenhouses allow you to grow year round and are engineered for optimum growing conditions in any en- vironment. A strong extruded aluminum frame and welded truss design meets the snow load and wind load specifi cations anywhere in the United States. Full-length glass or polycarbon- ate panels are energy effi cient May 2019 OMRI Listed Insect Spray D r. Earth® Final Stop Yard & Garden Insect Killer Spray is an OMRI listed insect killer that is all natural and highly effec- tive at controlling aphids, mites, whitefl ies, caterpillars and other insects. Manufactured with a hand-crafted blend of essential oils and natural ingredients work to kill pests immediately on contact and provide lasting protection. It is ready to use and contains Rosemary Oil, Sesame Oil, Peppermint Oil, Cinnamon Oil, and other potent ingredients which eliminate pests in a Peo- ple and Pet Safe® manner. OMRI Listed Premium Potting Soil D r. Earth® Pot of Gold pre- mium potting soil is an OMRI & CDFA certifi ed organic blend that is People & Pet Safe® and contains no GMOs. Pot of Gold potting soil uses fi nely se- lected OIM inputs from the land and sea that help prized plants thrive while reaching their full- est potential. Pot of Gold is pH balanced near 6.5 and contains horticultural perlite for excellent drainage with any container garden – indoor or out. Use Pot Of Gold potting soil for plant- ing seeds, reviving existing soil, growing houseplants, or even in a compost tea. Dr.Earth® certifi ed organic soils are cre- ated for life; utilizing powerful MycoApply® certifi ed benefi cial microbes that encourage explo- sive root growth and access to nutrients in the soil. Locate Dr. 39