Garden & Greenhouse May 2018 Issue | Page 26

Until the plant needs these nutrients the microbes remain sleeping (dormant) and stuck tightly to the soil so they don’t wash away as HICs do. The plant farms the microbial population to release its con- tents to the plant when the plant needs them -- this is on demand feeding. The plant grows the micro- bial population by releasing sugars and other nutri- ents that grow the bacterial population. This in turn feeds a growing protozoal population which feed the larger soil animals and this cycle releases the ni- trogen and other nutrients that are stored in the soil. HICs kill microbes by increasing the salt level. We routinely see well below 100ug/g microbial car- bon in such soils. Since it is the microbes that are supposed to provide the plant with N, P, K etc. we now have to provide these nutrients in chemical form. But this creates problems: the microbes pro- vide nutrients on an as needed basis, HICs must be added to bare or nearly bare soil and in order for there to be sufficient left in the soil for when the plant needs them, far too much must be used – the excess washes into streams and rivers. Healthy soil farming increases the fertility of the soil because it increases the soil’s organic matter. Ninety percent of soil organic matter is microbial re- mains but the original source of the carbon was the plant material that microbes digested. SOM is carbon rich; in fact there is 3-4 times more carbon in the soil than in the atmosphere. Estimates are that mod- ern farming methods have decreased soil carbon by almost half. We have been discussing that microbes supply the plant with N, P, K and other minerals so what is the importance of the carbon rich SOM to the system? Microbes need a carbon source to grow and their carbon source is the SOM, the exudates of plants or carbon supplying fertilizers. Today there is a lot of discussion about the need for soil microbial diversity. The term diversity is used differently by academics and practitioners. Practitioners tend to mean that diversity means, bac- teria, fungi, protozoa etc. whereas academics tend to use the term to indicate riches of species, e.g. how many different kinds of bacteria. No matter how you use the term, we know that diversity is good and that research has shown is that a microbe rich sys- tem is rich in diversity. Research has shown that the microbial populations of soil are predominately dic- tated by climate and soil composition factors. Plants may control the microbial population composition of the rhizosphere, but beyond the rhizosphere climate and soil composition rule. Further, we know that the microbial popula- tion together with the soil plants form an extremely complex and interdependent society, so complex and interdependent that at this stage of knowledge it is almost impossible to remediate soil with various species. A cubic centimeter of good soil contains > 26 400 ug/MBC, that means that the top 1 cc x 10 cm of soil contains over 4000 ugMBC; a cubic meter contains 1.6x 10 -7ugMBC; An acre 6.4 x 10 -11 .ug MBC. The best amendments and compost teas provide only 400ug MBC/10ml and if sprayed at 100 gals/acre provide only 1.6 x 10-5. This translates to the tea/amendment providing 1 microbe to every 4 million endogenous soil microbes making it hardly likely that the added microbe would have any ef- fect, especially if it is not native to that soil– one of the characteristics of microbial populations is that they fiercely defend their area from intruders, this is why they are so good at protecting their areas from pests. So why is compost tea such a potent organic fertilizer: because it contains soluble organic mat- ter and the quality of that SOM is predicted by the fact that it supports a healthy microbial population. Compost tea fertilizes mainly because of the SOM it contains: the microbes that it contains probably die or are eaten by the soil microbes. Foliar tea sprays on the other hand can contain microbes that appear to be effective. The above discussion of microbial additions to soil does not apply to seed and root amendments. Fortunately, we are beginning to know enough about many of the microbes that live attached to or within the plant or in the rhizosphere to be able to supplement seeds and roots with beneficial organ- isms. Via exudates including chemical messengers, the plant tightly controls the size and even the compo- sition of the microbial population in the root area (rhizosphere which extends only 1 mm around the root) and this