Garden & Greenhouse March 2019 Issue | Page 21

the way a plant responds to the changes in its envi- ronment. The Importance of Calcium There is one essential element that should be given some extra attention when it comes to clone/ seedling and early vegetative growth. That element is calcium. Much of a plant’s structural integrity is influenced by calcium. Calcium is vital for vigorous growth and overall structural development. When calcium levels are too low, a plant’s cell membrane can become weak. This weakening can cause leakage resulting in the loss of cellular compounds. Sufficient calcium levels are required for cell wall development and cellular division. Strong stems and branches are a result of proper calcium levels. Put another way, much of the plant’s ability to hold large, dense fruits or flowers is determined by its structural integrity which is greatly influenced by calcium. Calcium also acts as a secondary messenger that helps regulate cellular functions and assists in gen- eral plant functions, like nutrient uptake. Calcium stimulates the protein channels within a plant’s rhizo- sphere which aids in nutrient uptake. If there is not enough calcium present this process will not function properly and nutrient uptake will be slowed down. In this way, calcium works very similarly to the hor- Sunmaster_NUGL_HalfPage_SQRT_ad_v1:Half Pg ad - Horizontal mones that regulate various cell functions. T A I L O R E D In order to reap the reward of larger yields, horticulturists should pay close attention to the clon- ing and vegetative stages, much like they do to the fruiting/flowering stage. During the early stages of growth, the nutrition provided, along with proper atmospheric conditions, will directly impact a plant’s ability to later produce large fruit or flowers. Provid- ing a fertilizer regimen that contains all of the essen- tial elements is imperative. In addition to a balanced base fertilizer, growers can accelerate vegetative growth by incorporating additives, such as plant hor- mones, amino acids, and enzymes. Although all of the essential elements are neces- sary, a grower who understands how each particular element affects plant development will be better equipped to fine tune his or her fertilizer regimen. For example, providing ample calcium throughout the vegetative stage of growth will prepare the plants for increased fruit/flower production. All in all, horti- culturists who provide clones, seedlings, and vegeta- tive plants with the proper nutrition will be greatly rewarded come harvest time. GG Eric Hopper resides in Michigan’s beautiful Upper Peninsula where he enjoys gardening and pursuing sustainability. He is a Garden & Greenhouse senior editor and can be contacted at [email protected]. 1/8/19 9:47 AM Page 1 S PECTRUM Commercial Grow Luminaire Spectrally tailored for full-cycle growth Healthy, leafy biomass; Tight internode spacing Propagation through flower Successfully operating in 3 countries © 2018 Venture Lighting International, Inc. March 2019 Robust design: 1,550 µmol; Wet Rated; 50,000+ hour life 21