Garden & Greenhouse March 2019 Issue | Page 18

The cloning/seedling and vegetative stages of growth should be considered the foundation for pro- ducing larger yields during the fruiting and flowering stage. This is not to say that the way a plant is cared for in the fruiting or flowering stage does not have much significance over the yield; it definitely does. However, without a good foundation (healthy growth in the clone and early vegetative stages), a plant in the flowering/fruiting stage can never live up to its full potential. There is a wide variety of cloning and vegetative specific products available to help horticul- turists lay the groundwork for abundant harvests. Essential Elements for Plants Throughout all the stages of growth, plants re- quire particular elements to survive and develop properly. Although plants may need more or less of a particular element depending on the stage of growth they are in, scientists have determined a list of essen- tial mineral elements (elements taken in through the roots) that should be included in every grower’s fer- tilizer regimen. These essential mineral elements are further classified as either macro- or micronutrients. The macronutrients are the nutrients used in higher concentrations relative to micronutrients, which are absorbed in smaller amounts. A closer look at a fertil- izer’s label will reveal which macro- and micro-nutri- ents are contained in that fertilizer. GROW NEPTUNE’S HARVEST 18 Macronutrients The six essential elements classified as macronu- trients are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. (N) - Nitrogen is a basic component of chlo- rophyll and is associated with the green color of a plant’s leaves. Nitrogen is the main nutrient respon- sible for vigorous growth, hence its higher concentra- tion in “grow” base fertilizers. (P) - Phosphorus stimulates root development and, in turn, helps young plants or transplants estab- lish more quickly. Phosphorus is also a key in initiat- ing flowering, fruiting, ripening, and respiration. (K) - Potassium is directly linked to a plant’s structural integrity and increases the overall resis- tance to cold, drought and pathogens. Much like phosphorus, potassium plays an intricate role in initi- ating the fruiting/blooming process. (Ca) - Calcium is vital to plant structure and it helps build, and actually becomes part of, the cell walls. Calcium will be discussed more later in this article. (Mg) - Magnesium helps reinforce cell walls and is also an important component of chlorophyll. Mag- nesium encourages the absorption of phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulfur. (S) - Sulfur helps with chlorophyll production and is a necessary component of several proteins, en- zymes and vitamins. Micronutrients The eight essential elements classified as micro- nutrients are iron, manganese, chlorine, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, and nickel. (Fe) - Iron assists biochemical processes, includ- ing the manufacturing of chlorophyll. Iron also aids in the formation of some enzymes and amino acids. March 2019