Garden & Greenhouse March 2019 Issue | Page 10

complex mixing and will not clog drip emit- ters. No fi ddling with pH adjustments, spend- ing less time mixing and dosing, and not having to deal with clogged emitters are ben- efi ts that provide much more than just con- venience. All of these benefi ts save time and money, which, at the end of the day, leads to a larger return on investment. Soil A+B provides all of the nutritional needs in both the vegetative and fl owering cycles to lay the foundation for consistent, prolifi c harvests. Hydro A+B Hydro A+B is a professional, Dutch-style, two-part nutrient specifi c for hydroponic applications. Hydro A+B is designed to be used throughout both the vegetative and fl owering cycles without the need for any complex mixing procedures. Most impres- sively, the pH stability of Hydro A+B will only require minimal pH adjustment. Unlike other hydroponic nutrients, where the grower is constantly adjusting the pH, a grower who uses Hydro A+B by FloraMax is able to concentrate his or her efforts on other im- portant aspects of gardening. Arguably the two most critical factors of a hydroponic nutrient regimen are that it provides strong pH stability and will not cause blockage or build up in the hydroponic system. Hydro A+B addresses both of these critical factors and, again, saves the horticulturist’s time and money. Core Additives In keeping with the theme of effective ease of use, FloraMax has packed multi- purpose functionality into just 4 core ad- ditives. In combination with the nutrient base, these additives assist a crop to achieve its full potential. Notably, the additive suite satisfi es more growth criteria than other nutri- ent line-ups over twice the size. FloraMax’s core additives include Root-XS, Flowering Enhancer, Resin-XS, and OrganaBud. Root-XS Root-XS is designed to promote explo- sive root development which accelerates plant growth and helps achieve faster crop rotations. Root-XS promotes root “hairs” that are strong and healthy. This ensures maximum nutrient uptake throughout all stages of growth. With the addition of Root-XS to a fertilizer regimen, plants can be pushed harder, leading to faster crop rotations. Root-XS helps negate stress, especially at times of transplant or transi- 10 tion to new stages of growth. Like all FloraMax products, Root-XS does not contain any PGRs (plant growth regulators). Using Root-XS will help gardeners grow plants with greener, healthier foliage that exhibit less signs of stress. Root-XS can be used as both a root drench and/or a foliar spray. Flowering Enhancer Flowering Enhancer is a core addi- tive that promotes strong and healthy fl oral blooms. The carefully balanced combination of potassium and phosphorus, along with supplemented calcium and iron chelate, helps strengthen plant structure during the heavy fruiting/fl owering stage. One of the biggest problems growers have during the fl owering stage is a fl uctuation in pH which negatively impacts fl ower density and overall yield. Flowering Enhancer by FloraMax actu- ally locks the pH below 6.5 in coco coir and soil and minimizes the need for pH adjust- ments in hydroponic systems. The pH locking power of Flowering Enhancer prevents a multitude of problems commonly associated with other bloom enhancers, including leaf curl, stunted growth, and withered fruit-set. Many of the popular fl owering additives cause the pH to rise well above 6.5, regard- less of water quality. FloraMax Flowering Enhancer allows a gardener to rest assured that his or her pH will not rise above the desired range and cause unwanted effects. Instead, Flowering Enhancer will stabilize pH levels and give the plants the extra boost they need in the fl owering stage to produce enormous fruits and fl owers. Resin-XS Resin-XS is a specialized fl owering additive that is used in conjunction with “PK” additives. Resin-XS aids in photosynthesis to improve sugar content which, in turn, increases fl avors and fruit/fl ower weight. In addition to im- proving the plant’s ability to absorb water and other nutrients, Resin-XS increases es- sential oil production. Over the two years of fi nal testing and commissioning, there was no other additive capable of compet- ing with Resin-XS. The ingredients found in Resin-XS have been proven to be uniquely stable, which means growers can rely on consistent results at every harvest. FloraMax test studies indicate over 30% improvement in trichome population and independent labs have verifi ed signifi cantly higher con- centrations of essential and total oils than (Continued on page 14) March 2019