Garden & Greenhouse June 2018 Issue | Page 45

lished. Because peppers are tropical plants, they will not grow in cold temperatures. If the weather turns chilly, cover young plants with hot caps (quart can- ning jars work well for this) and remove them when temperatures rise above 70 degrees. Sweet Peppers Sweet peppers, also known as bell peppers, are a garden favorite, second only to tomatoes. Basil is second only to dill as a favorite herb. Sweet pep- pers and basil make great companions both in the garden and in the kitchen. Plant sweet peppers and basil plants in late spring after all danger of frost is past. You’ll be able to snip off basil leaves whenever you want to add them to cooking, and once your peppers start to fruit, you’ll have peppers and basil. until frost. Sweet Basil Commonly called sweet basil, the culinary herb Ocimum basilicum of the family Lamiaceae, this plant was familiar to the ancient Greeks. Sweet Basil is used fresh in cooked recipes and should be added in the fi nal minutes of cooking because cooking de- stroys the fl avor. Basil is most fl avorful if used fresh. Fresh basil can be kept in plastic bags in the refrig- erator for a few days or in the freezer after a quick blanching in boiling water. Dried herbs lose much of their fl avor so use fresh basil whenever possible. During the Growing Season Peppers like even watering, so once the soil has warmed, spread thick, but light mulch such as straw or grass clippings around the plants. Water them deeply during dry weather to encourage root devel- opment and remove any weeds. Though peppers are a tropical plant, they will wilt and drop blossoms, if this occurs add more mulch around plants. If peppers demonstrate slow growth or pale leaves, a feeding of manure tea will help. Most pests do not bother pepper plants with one exception being the pepper weevil. The worms of this insect will chew holes in blossoms and buds causing mis- shaped fruit. Hand-pick pests and drop them in hot, soapy water. Common Sweet Pepper Diseases ◆ Anthracnose infection which causes dark sunken, soft, and watery spots on fruits ◆ Bacterial spot which are small yellow-green raised spots on young leaves and dark spots with light-colored centers on older leaves ◆ Early blight is dark spots on leaves and stems, infected leaves will die Arcadia See photos and videos on our website! ™ Greenhouses Quality Greenhouse Kits for Year-round Growing Ask about our new 16mm 5-wall polycarbonate for best energy efficiency. ■ ■ Freestanding, Lean-to, and Kneewall Options ■ Glass or Polycarbonate ■ Strong Extruded Aluminum Frame ■ Professional Installation Standard and Custom Sizes vatories es & Conser Greenhous PS OUSE 10 STE garden or e m ho for your NH ST GREE THE BE LECTING FOR SE ed by Co-author cal Garden and Botani e Cleveland adia GlassHous Arc FREE Greenhouse Planning Guide “10 Steps for Selecting the Right Greenhouse for You.” Call 440-357-0022 June 2018 w w w. A r c a d i a G l a s s H o u s e . c o m 45