Garden & Greenhouse June 2018 Issue | Page 30

environments. Growers who need an especially high level of control should explore the option to auto- mate. Automating active ventilation systems ensures consistency, no matter the conditions outdoors. While active ventilation systems are excellent for ensuring tight control of a grow environment, they do come with high monthly operating costs due to their heavy reliance on electricity. Choosing the ap- propriate system all comes down to a grower’s spe- cific needs. Passive and active ventilation systems come with their own unique set of advantages and disad- vantages. Passive ventilation works great in certain parts of country and during certain times of the THE ULTIMATE ODOR ELIMINATORS The Ultimate In-Duct Ozonator by Corona Discharge The Room Model Ozonator by Ultraviolet TOLL FREE: 1.800.765.2098 FAX: 905.264.6508 361 Rowntree Dairy Road, Unit 4, Woodbridge ON L4L 8H1 year. Community gardens are a great example of where passive ventilation makes sense. Growers won’t hit the exact temperature they want every day but they will save a substantial amount of money on utilities. Growers with hard deadlines to hit abso- lutely need active ventilation. Passive and active ventilation equipment is not too far off in initial purchase price. However, once growers with passive systems begin to automate mo- tors and other such equipment, the price differential starts to even out. Eventually, an automated passive system can become as costly as or even more costly than an active system. Essentially, if delivery schedules are lax, on- site power supply is far and capital cost is limited, passive ventilation is likely the best method. If delivery schedules are stringent, on-site power supply is nearby and an operation can accommodate it in their budget, active ventilation makes more sense. With these considerations in mind, growers will be more readily equipped to choose a ventilation system that works best with their budget, location and application. GG Jessica Batchelor is a content writer for GrowSpan Greenhouse Structures She has an interest in horticulture and how it is affected by new technology. Distributed by: • • 30 June 2018