Garden & Greenhouse July 2019 Issue | Page 38

Hoyas Are a Great Greenhouse Plant Common Names: Wax Vine, Wax Plant, Honey Plant, Indian Rope Plant & Porcelain Flower Light Needs: High light. Plants that receive less than half a day of sun may not produce fl owers. Best Temperatures: Intermediate to warm and humid conditions and not below 50º F. Water and Humidity Needs: Never water with cold water. Drench them and let the soil dry out between watering, but water just enough to pre- vent shriveling in winter. Growing Guidelines: Grow in a peat-moss-based mix. Wind stems counterclockwise if you want it to vine around a support.  Fertilize it once in the spring and do not move the plant when it is fl owering.  Most plants are three feet long before blooming oc- curs. Hoyas like the security of a snug pot and plants that are a bit root bound will fl ower more than those that are swimming around in a giant pot. FUN FACTS ABOUT HOYA PLANT Hoya is an Asian native plant introduced by Scot- tish botanist Robert Brown and named in honor of the 18th-century botanist Thomas Hoy. It is a fra- grant, low-maintenance tropical fl ower. Flowering plants in the genus Hoya are part of the Asclepiadaceae family, otherwise known as the milkweed family. Newer taxonomy places the genus in the Apocynaceae (dogbane) family. Hoya fl owers grow in a ball-shaped cluster and each cluster may contain up to 40 individual fl owers, packed tightly together. The individual fl owers ap- pear to be molded from wax or porcelain, thus the common names. Flowers often sport a colored eye in the center of the corona. The plants produce woody stems with waxy leaves, which remain evergreen. You can train a hoya plant as a vine, or allow it to trail over the side of the con- tainer. The full length or height of the plant is nor- mally two to four feet. Common Problems: Mealybugs Propagation: Cuttings of previous year’s growth in spring. 38 When a hoya fi nishes blooming, leave the fl ower stalk, as it may produce new fl owers. Removing the stalk forces the plant to produce a new stalk, which wastes the plant’s energy and can delay blooming. GG July 2019