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lock wooly adelgids, leaf-rollers, mealy bugs, psyllids,
scale, spider mites, thrips, and whitefl ies.
Though many pest insects can affect an indoor
crop, the four most common pest insects that cause
trouble for indoor horticulturists are spider mites,
thrips, fungus gnats, and root aphids. Organocide Bee
Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray can effectively treat all four.
In fact, Organocide Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray can
be used as an effective soil drench to eliminate root
aphids. The overall effectiveness of this product as an
insecticide and miticide can be understood by the way
it affects the pest insects. The dense oil contained in
Organocide Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray will smother
target pest insects on contact. Pest insects are unable
to develop a resistance to the fatty acids found in the
oil and that are toxic to the targeted pest insects.
Organocide Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray works
great as a contact killer, but what makes it so unique
is its powerful residual effects. Once the applied liq-
uid dries, a micro-fi lm is left on the plant. Any pest in-
sects that hatch will get trapped in the micro-fi lm and
die. Female pest insects that arrive after a treatment
will detect the micro-fi lm and will not lay eggs on
the treated plant because they recognize the area as
being hazardous to their eggs. Since it is specifi cally
designed to affect only pest insects and not benefi cial
insects (such as bees, butterfl ies, or ladybugs), the
friendly pollinators can continue to feed on any new
pest insects that arrive. It is even safe enough to use
around fi sh, ponds and streams.
Organocide Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray can
also be used as an effective fungicide against fungal
diseases, such as, but not limited to, powdery mildew,
downy mildew, black spot on roses, septora spot,
bacterial tomato spot, citrus greasy spot, and helmin-
thosporium. The key to this product’s effectiveness as
a fungicide is the way it deprives the disease spores
of the necessary moisture they need for propagation.
It also protects the plants from germ tube penetration,
April 2019