by Eric Hopper
Organocide ® by Organic Laboratories, Inc.
any indoor horticulturists are turning
away from using harsh chemicals in their
gardens and, instead, are relying on effec-
tive, environmentally-friendly products to
fertilize and protect their plants. Not only are organic
and environmentally-friendly products better choices
for the planet, they tend to be the best choices for
maintaining the quality of an indoor crop. After work-
ing tirelessly for months to produce bountiful fruits or
fl owers, the last thing an indoor grower should do is
taint his or her crop with a harsh chemical pesticide or
fungicide. The unfortunate truth, however, is that pest
insects and pathogenic fungi can rear their ugly heads
at the most inconvenient times.
To preserve the quality of the crop and protect it
from further damage, cultivators need powerful pest
insect controls in their arsenals. However, effective
products don’t necessarily have to be derived from
harsh chemicals. One company that specializes in
earth-friendly pest insect solutions for indoor garden-
ers is Organic Laboratories, Inc. Perhaps best known
for its Organocide line of environmentally-friendly
products, Organic Laboratories has helped many hor-
ticulturists protect their plants from pest insects and
pathogenic fungi without having to compromise the
quality of the plants.
About the Company
Organic Laboratories, Inc. is one of the country’s
leading developers, producers, and marketers of earth-
friendly pesticides and fertilizers. Its diverse product
line provides solutions to a wide variety of horticultur-
ists, including indoor gardeners. Many of the products
offered by Organic Laboratories are OMRI (organic
material review institute) listed, which means they
are approved for organic production. OMRI supports
organic integrity by providing an independent, third-
party review of products intended for use in organic
production, handling, and processing. The Organocide
product line is not only earth-friendly, but also, when
applied as directed, safe for use around children and
pets. In addition to its organic products, Organic Labo-
ratories offers cutting-edge products through its Plant
Doctor® line. Their retail products are tried and true
with success fi rst in the agricultural market. They are
essential for creating long-lasting vitality, abundant
yields, and healthy overall growth.
Organocide Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray
Organocide Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray is an
OMRI listed insecticide, fungicide, and miticide. This
powerful formula is comprised of FDA-approved in-
gredients for organic production. Indoor growers will
appreciate the fact that this potent product is capable
of killin g the eggs, larvae, nymphs, and adults of over
25 soft-bodied insects. A partial list of pest insects that
can be killed with Organicode Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden
Spray includes aphids, chinch bugs, citrus rust mites,
fl ea eggs and larvae, fuchsia mites, fungus gnats, hem-
April 2019