Many commercial and hobbyists use cold frame
greenhouses as their primary greenhouses. Cold
frame greenhouses offer many of the same benefits as
traditional greenhouses, but are generally less expen-
sive and easier to build. Depending on a gardener’s
location, a cold frame greenhouse may not require
the same building permits as other greenhouse struc-
tures. Always be sure to check with local agencies to
see what codes and permits apply.
Cold Frame Maintenance
Cold frames are great, but they are not a “set it
and forget it” structure. Unfortunately, there is a little
bit of work required to ensure a cold frame works for
you and not against you. Solar energy is a very pow-
erful force. It is very important to open a cold frame
on warm, sunny days to release trapped heat and
bring in fresh air. Growers using cold frames must be
very aware of the weather conditions. Even late into
the fall, plants can be burned by trapped solar energy
on a sunny day. Another consideration is how the mi-
croclimate of a cold frame greenhouse can be inviting
to unwanted guests. A cold frame’s warmth and pro-
tection can be a safe haven for insects and other crit-
ters. Cold frames that aren’t ventilated properly might
get condensation. This will cloud up the glazing ma-
terial and possibly create an environment for molds
or fungi. To retain transparency, it is a good idea to
perform routine cleanings. Routine cleanings also re-
duce the chance of harboring unwanted pathogens.
Greenhouse Megastore
The term “cold frame” is just a general term that
refers to an unheated greenhouse structure. That
means there are many different sizes and styles of
cold frames. It is in a gardener’s best interest to re-
search the different types of greenhouses to find the
one that best fits his or her gardening style. Green-
house Megastore offers a nice variety of cold frame
structures, glazes and accessories. Greenhouse Me-
gastore has over 25 years of experience building and
selling greenhouses all over the world. With ware-
houses in Illinois and California, it is able to quickly
ship a wide variety of cold frames to any location.
Greenhouse Megastore has become a leading
supplier of hobby and commercial greenhouse struc-
tures, greenhouse and garden supplies, and much
more. The foundation of its success can be attributed
to the in-depth level of technical knowledge that only
comes from experience in the growing industry. With
a top-notch customer service department, the folks
at Greenhouse Megastore are dedicated to providing
individuals, small businesses and institutions with
easily accessible, relevant information to help them
achieve their goals. Greenhouse Megastore’s mission
is to encourage the horticultural sector by making
commercial quality horticultural products available
at a price that makes growing plants even more re-
warding. From cold frame kits to loads of accessories,
Greenhouse Megastore has everything a horticultur-
ist needs to set up a cold frame greenhouse. With
April 2018